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Online Video Game –Improves One’s Spatial Ability

Millions of players engage and engross in online gaming. Online gaming has become a major pastime. Playing video games is not only leisure but may enhance one’s health, social skills, and learning.


This is an analysis based on a study conducted by American Psychologist. Some video games are violent in nature and adversely affect the mind of children. There are negative effects of online gaming like; compulsion, antagonism, and depression. These negative effects are not to be ignored, but a more impartial viewpoint approach is needed to comprehend the impact of video games on children and adolescence.

The myth is smashed

There is a myth that playing video games makes the child dull and lazy, but on actuality playing video games improves the spectrum of cognitive skills like; awareness, recollection, reasoning, and spatial navigation. The shooting games increase these cognitive skills among children, which may seem to others a bit violent game.

Study shows playing shooting games improve three-dimensional thinking ability, just like academic courses designed to enhance the same skills. The spatial ability or visual-spatial ability also improves when one plays online video games. This ability is useful every day, helping the person to fix equipment, measuring and assuming distance, and performing a task. But this skill is not enhanced when you engage in other games like role-playing or puzzle.


Problem-solving skills are also improved while playing video games. According to a study conducted in 2013, playing strategic video games such as role-playing improves problem-solving skills, which also helps the child to perform well in the academic field. The creativity of the child also gets a boost when he plays video games, including the aggressive ones. There is more interaction and skill development when he engages in video games than fiddling with smartphones or computers.

Make you happy and relaxed

You will find thousands of online video games in premier websites like ufabet. Simple and effortless games like angry birds improve your frame of mind, support relaxation, and fight off anxiety and tension. Playing video games makes you happy and relaxed, and that is the elemental emotional benefit.

Video games make you tougher against failure. As you inch up a higher stage in video games, it becomes more complicated and complex; you need confidence and persistence to succeed. Children also develop emotional buoyancy while playing these games, which helps them in the future.

Enhance social bonding

Most gamers around 70%, like to play video games with friends and associates, which builds social bonding. Millions of players flock in the digital world to participate in multiplayer games like “World of Warcraft” and “Farmville,” which turn out to be a social community.


Video games are becoming popular among adults also. The average time spends by an adult on online video games have steadily increased from 5.1 hours per week in 2011, to 6.5 hours per week in 2017, according to the report published by The Neilsen Company in 2017. Video games improve the players’ multitasking ability, focus, and memory. But indulging obsessively in video games has negative impacts like lower academic and career achievement.



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