I had never played a Final Fantasy online game before. I didn’t think they’d be for me nor do I want to pay a charge every month. However when I found out that there was a free trial for Final Fantasy 14 on the Playstation 4, I decided it was finally time to try an FF online game. So what do I think? Well… Over the weekend, I’ve been playing Final Fantasy 14’s free trial. And… Actually I like it.…

The Division 2 Warlords of New York Review
Last month, Ubisoft dropped the expansion that promised to rekindle the dwindling fires of The Division 2’s hype and excitement. Featuring a full-fledged campaign, 4 new districts to explore, a raised level cap of 40 and an overhaul of many core game mechanics, who wouldn’t be excited to step back into the world of The Division 2 and enjoy what the Warlords of New York has to offer? I know I couldn’t wait to see how it all played out – let’s take a look together!
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More Thoughts From Me #182: Checking Out DC Universe Online For Switch
I played DC Universe Online on the Playstation 3. I thought the game was alright. Flashforward to now! DC Universe Online is released for the Nintendo Switch. I decide that I want to try the game again. Will I like it better? Will I become addicted to the game? Let’s talk about DC Universe Online for the Nintendo Switch! My DC Universe Online character’s name is Doctor Weirdo because Doctor Fate and Doctor Strange are already taken. And I think…
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Escape From Tarkov: The Unsung Hero of FPS Games
While most of us can agree that no game has achieved perfection (that is, if we don’t let our nostalgia bias our opinions), luckily for us, developers have not stopped trying to reach it. One such developer is the Russian-based indie, Battlestate Games. This team has undertaken one of the most ambitious projects I have ever seen with their tactical FPS, Escape From Tarkov.
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Have Battle Royale Games Taken Over?
A number of people are dropped on an island with varying terrain that is strewn with a random assortment of weapons. Their goal is simple – be the last one alive. What comes to mind when you read this? I highly doubt that many of you are picturing a book released in Japan 20 years ago. Perhaps there are few of us left who remember the iconic novel, Battle Royale (Batoru Rowaiaru in the original Japanese version), published back in…
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The Division 2 Review
In an age of early access games and update-driven releases, it is a rarity indeed to find a game that, upon release, truly feels like a finished product. Too often are developers pressured into pushing their games out too quickly, leading to outrage from the community and an overall poor experience. The lesson to be learned here is that quality cannot be rushed, and that developers need to remind gamers of this fact and not allow themselves to make compromises for an earlier release date. Ubisoft, for its part, has certainly known for its resistance to this ...
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Anthem Review
Striving to dominate the MMO console-shooter world, EA's newest title, Anthem, has landed. Anthem puts you in the driver's seat of 'Iron Man' style mech suits that you fly around in to dispatch hordes of enemies. However, as tends to happen when a game receives an abundance of pre-release hype (did you too receive dozens of ads on Twitch and YouTube for this game? I sure did!), the community has quickly revolted on Anthem and its creators. This begs the question, does Anthem really deserve all the hate? Or the hype it garnered before that? Let's take a look!
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Details Announced for The Division 2 Post-Launch Content
Earlier today, Ubisoft announced the full details for The Division 2 Post-Launch content, including the entire year of free content as well as the Year 1 Pass. This content follows The Division 2's endgame focus by giving players a full year of free post-launch updates with additional Episodes, major content updates, missions, PvP and PvE game modes, and specializations. Each specialization brings a new signature weapon and an entirely unique skill tree to unlock and master as players take on these new high-level challenges.
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Want a Free Game? The Division 2 Pre-order Can Help!
As if there wasn't enough hype around the release of The Division 2 with its focus on replayability and endgame content and the Private Beta they offered for anyone who pre-ordered the game before Feb 7th, Ubisoft has now announced that anyone who puchases a standard edition of The Division 2 Pre-order digitally will receive another Ubisoft blockbuster, absolutely FREE. That's right, you heard me. No trade-in required, no special edition purchase needed.
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E3 2018 – Skull and Bones Getting Some Hype – Ubisoft Press Conference
When Justin Farren walked out on stage to show off some of the gameplay you can expect in Skull and Bone, people were understandably blown away. Although cautious optimism swept the theatre and those watching online, the feeling that this could be something special is still quite high!
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