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The Serious Sam Collection Announced

Mastertronic have today announced The Serious Sam Collection for Xbox 360.

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Ex-Rare Employee on “Severe” Microsoft/Rare Culture Clash

Phil Tossell, a former employee of Rare, the team behind Banjo Kazooie, Perfect Dark, Goldeneye and Kameo, has revealed that there was a culture clash when the company was bought out by Microsoft.

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Limbo releases on IOS 7/3

Since its release in 2010, Playdead's award-winning platformer Limbo has sold over three million copies, an impressive number for any studio's first official title. Yesterday, the Dutch developers dropped a bit of surprise on the gaming world, announcing that their monochromatic side-scroller will release on iOS on July 3rd.

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State of Decay Banned in Australia

State of Decay - the XBLA title our very own Joe Ryan described as "the zombie game that people have been asking about for ages" - has been refused classification in Australia. This is the second game in the last week to be effectively banned from sale in the country.

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Some PS3 Systems Still Bricked after 4.46

While a lot of people are reporting that PlayStation 3 firmware 4.46 fixes all of their 4.45 problems, some don't seem to have been so lucky.

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You Can now turn off Trophy Notifications on PlayStation 3

The latest PlayStation 3 firmware update, 4.46, released today, has added the ability to turn off trophy notifications. For those who find the achievement hunting meta-game annoying or pointless, you can now make it so that your game isn't ever interrupted by that addictive but admittedly out of place sound.

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PlayStation 3 Firmware 4.46 Now Available

PlayStation firmware 4.45 managed to brick a bunch of consoles, to the obvious annoyance of their owners. Sony have been pretty quick about releasing a new update to fix that problem and it's available right now. If you have automatic updates turned on as part of PlayStation Plus, you'll only need to install the update from your settings menu. Else you'll need to download it as well. Remember to add this time on if you're interested in playing anything today, especially online games.

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Black Ops 2 Vengeance DLC details & video

If only somebody would come around to my house and take over as me for the day so I can immerse myself into a video game. Treyarch keeps that dream alive with their latest Replacers trailer which also showcases the fourth DLC for the popular FPS Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2 entitled Vengeance

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Gran Turismo 6 Anniversary Edition & Preorder Perks

You know the score. When there's a new game coming out, there's a standard release and a special release with all the trimmings. The latest of these is the Gran Turismo 6 Anniversary Edition, which landmarks fifteen years of the Real Driving Simulator.

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Saints Row 4 banned in Australia

Australians rejoiced back in January when the Classification Board approved the selling of 18+ games. This new rating opened the doors for games such as God Of War: Ascension and Dead Island Riptide to be sold on Australian soil. No longer would games be condemed and deemed inappropriate for even adult gamers. Or at least so we thought.

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