Over the course of the history of gaming, game designers have allowed players minimal to no choices regarding how the storyline of their game ends. Perhaps they might give the player a chance to decide to spare or kill an enemy NPC or let them pick their party members – but never decisions big enough to feel important. With the emergence of games like the Telltale Series, players are getting more and more power allotted to them to influence their final ending. Games like Silent Hill and Bioshock started to allow players to have one of three to five different ...
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Disney Infinity 3.0 after 60 Minutes
For the longest time, I often would determine my level of interest in a game after sixty minutes. Growing up, I rented a lot of video games, all of which had to pass the sixty minute test before I would buy it from the store. As a reviewer, I technically can't have a sixty minute barometer - I must review the entire game. However, I often still use my sixty minute rule, even if I plan to play the whole game. With the release of Disney Infinity, the the almost impossible ability to adequately review everything in one 'review,' I've decided to share my thoughts ...
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Mad Max Early Impressions
I've only been playing Mad Max for a few hours, but I've already noticed a few things that both excite me and make me groan. Within the first few hours, you will know whether or not you will be spending significant time with this title or not. I think I will, although getting over a few hurdles was frustrating for a number of hours.
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Positive Early Impressions of Disney Infinity 3.0
Disney Infinity 3.0 launch this weekend in North America, and if my local Best Buy was an indication, the positive reception from many media outlets are sending people to stores to plunk down hundreds of dollars. By 6 PM local time, the Disney Infinity shelves were nearly empty as fans flocked to the store to grab as much as they could. Good work Disney! Your game has received so much positive attention that people are forgetting the (minor) downfalls of 2.0 and jumping right into an other experience.
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Tales from the Borderlands Episode 1: Zer0 Sum Xbox One Review
Telltale Games has brought us such incredible stories with the storytelling, character development and decision making bringing new life and perspective to such franchises as The Walking Dead...
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King’s Quest Chapter 1: A Knight To Remember Review
Although I love all the Kings Quest games, I jumped on the bandwagon late, with Kings Quest V to be precise. Five was outstanding, VI was outstanding, VII was good, but not great, and VIII was a disaster. With that being the last title in the series - and the first without the original development team - it was a pipe dream that we would get another good title.
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Submerged Review
Occasionally games will take a break from the typical structures of crafting, battling, and leveling, games to present a softer, more idealistic approach to gameplay. Games like this have started to have much, much more of a presence in the gaming world and have started to ping the radar of more players. Indie games offer a player an experience vs. a challenge, and focus more on the ideas and thoughts their characters are experiencing instead of their goals and accomplishments. Submerged, a newly released Indie game, focuses on themes of exploration and ...
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Legends of Eisenwald Review
Eisenwald is a magical medieval world that is filled to the brim with those searching for power and status. Exploring that world through quests driven by motivations of status and money, players of the newly released Legends of Eisenwald are treated to a game offering intricate story and in-depth world exploration. Released in July of 2015, the game was published and developed by the company Aterdux Entertainment. Aterdux had previously only released one other game named Discord Times, which was essentially the blueprint of the structure of game that ...
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The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Review
At the very start of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, a message sprawls across the screen informing the player that this game does not hold your hand and that through atmospheric exploration you will discover the truth. This statement could not be more true, and only moments into gameplay it is clear that you are on your own. With nearly open world investigation and a subtle storyline that does not force the player into doing things in any particular order, you are able to fully enjoy the experience of the world created. A beautiful game at heart, it was ...
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Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure Review
Mario and Luigi consolidate their practice and invent a cure all drug that’ll lure you out of your money like a bulk supply of “baby aspirin”. Is the $9 for another iteration of the Dr. Mario franchise a tough pill to swallow? Puns aside, it’s a slightly refreshing take on Dr. Mario:Miracle Cure.
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