Dragon Quest Builders 2 is coming out on July 12, 2019. However, if you’d like to get a glimpse of the game now, you can! A demo for DQ Builders 2 is available now on the PS4 and Switch. I’ve played the Switch demo a little bit and will give you my first impressions below. The Dragon Quest Builders 2 demo gives players a look at the beginning of the new game. It teaches players how to build stuff and…
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My Time At Portia Impressions
It's been a pretty rough early go in 2018, but thankfully a handful of great games has made each day enjoyable. One of those titles is My Time At Portia, a story driven crafting game that has plenty of charm and will keep you playing for hours. Developed by Chinese developer Pathera Games, and being published by the notorious Team 17 - of Worms fame - this game has just recently hit Steam Early Access, and thanks to the good people over at Team 17, we had the opportunity to take it for a spin!
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Satisfactory Review
Satisfactory belongs to a genre of games that I like to call “comfy crafters”. That is, as you spend a long weekend building a sprawling industrial plant that grows ever out of control, you take a moment to step back and look at what you have created. Standing on a planet all alone with no other life forms to share this world with naught but the native flora and fauna, you breathe deeply and stare off like Shrek at the beginning of his first film, gazing at his swamp as the first bars of 'All Star' play. It feels like home.
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Townsmen: A Kingdom Rebuilt
The latest from HandyGames is a remastered version of their medieval city-builder; Townsmen: A Kingdom Rebuilt. This title aims to completely overhaul the original with a port to PC. The original game existed as a freemium game for mobile devices, and as we know, there are many games who have attempted to leave mobile platforms for PC or console and have failed miserably. Will this wildly successful app make the transition to PC smoothly and manage to win over new fans? Let’s take a look!
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Farming Simulator ‘esports’ League Season 2 Coming
In a recent blog post on their website, Farming Simulator announced that they would be getting into the eSports scene further with Season Two of the Farming Simulator league, where players can compete for prizes! We've copied part of that blog post below, but be sure to read the entire article here!
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Tropico 6 Beta Access Preview
While not slated to be released until January 25th, 2019, the latest from developer Limbic Entertainment and publisher Kalypso, Tropico 6 is already available via Beta Access for pre-purchases. As someone who has a rather complicated relationship with the Tropico franchise, I approached the Tropico 6 Beta Access with cautious optimism. It is always a hard job to review a game before its official release. There are bound to be bugs and issues, but it would be unfair to dwell on those and not judge the game for what it will look like when it is fully released. ...
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The Colonists Review
Released late last month, The Colonists is a casual city builder from the one-man, UK-based indie developer Codebyfire. Inspired by classic games such as The Settlers and the Anno series, The Colonists adds some welcome twists and innovation to a genre that at times can fall into a very repetitive pattern.
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