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Board Games News


7 Wonders Duel Review

7 Wonders is one of my favourite board games, but with so many games to play and only one scheduled board game night per week, it's not one we get to the table often. Every Thursday a group of friends sits down to play one of the best new board games available on the market, and often times, it's not something old. During the rest of the week, it is just my wife and I, and two player games are the cats meow! Enter 7 Wonders Duel, a perfect game that closely represents that feeling of the main game, but is designed specifically for two players! Let's hop in!

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Z-Man Games and Lucasfilm Team Up For Star Wars: Jabba’s Palace – A Love Letter Game

Z-Man Games and Lucasfilm take game night to a galaxy far, far away with Star WarsTM: Jabba’s Palace – A Love Letter Game. Featuring Love Letter’s signature social deduction gameplay set in the iconic Star Wars galaxy, players will outwit each other to achieve victory. Jabba’s Palace: A Love Letter Game will be available for purchase this Winter at select retailers for a suggested retail price of C$19.99.   Jabba’s Palace evolves the traditional Love Letter gameplay with the introduction…

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Story Cubes Demands Imagination – And I’m All For It

As GamesReviews has gone deeper and deeper into the board game review and news arena, we've had the opportunity to review and play a lot of interesting games. In all my time reviewing, Story Cubes might be the most non-game, game I've ever played, and while I was skeptical as I read the information sent over by the PR company, the actual product is really interesting and a ton of fun. Especially in the car!

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Catapult Feud: Hydra Has Reached Funding Goal

I am of two opinions when it comes to Kickstarter - it's fantastic for board games but absolutely awful for video games. Thankfully, today's article is about a game I can't wait to put in front of my kids, and that is Catapult Feud. Catapult Feud has been out for a while, but the team has worked on another expansion for the game called Hydra, which offers new gameplay opportunities and more possible destruction. What is Catapult Feud all about, however? Let's take a quick look:

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Ticket to Ride is Easy to Learn, and Fun To Play this Holiday Season

If you are relatively new to the board game world - and in this instance, games like Monopoly, The Game of Life, and yes even Catan do not count - there are a few games we like to call gateway experiences to the wider world of detailed, specific games. Ticket to Ride is currently sitting on the cusp of the casual versus hardcore board game players, but it is still an excellent title to get to the table for those less savvy friends and family.

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Old Games, New Twists – Marvel Splendor and Star Wars Unlocked!

If you've ever travelled down to my basement you'll see shelves and shelves of board and card games. At this present, we are not quite sure how many games we own, but that number is easily above 150. Sometimes, games get played a lot and then are shoved back onto the shelves to collect dust for a while. Other experiences - legacy games for examples - are one and done experiences. Splendor, a fantastic title that we really enjoyed for months on end, is one of those games collecting dust, but a brand new crossover is happening which is bringing it back to our ...

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Classic Board Games for Kids – Carcassonne and Catan

When we talk about board games, for years people would assume you were getting friends together to play Monopoly, Scrabble, The Game of Life, or something like that. Two games came onto the marketplace that have now entered that conversation, those being Settlers of Catan and Carcassonne. Both games have their intended audiences, and unfortunately that isn't children. It wasn't until development teams familiar with both titles decided to put together kids versions of these board game giants, and they both are magnificent. Let's take a look at why these are ...

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Rolling Realms Review

Being able to review a Stonemaier game is always a treat. Even if the game concept isn't resonating with you, the components are always top notch and make playing any game enjoyable. Rolling Realms doesn't have that same component flair, so could a few dry erase cards, markers, and and an oversized die create what I needed in a board game experience? Yes, yes it did!

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Asmodee and Kids – Holiday Fun – Rhino Hero Junior

Games for kids ages 2+ can not only be difficult to find, but to play as well. Some companies struggled to find a nice balance between something educational and something fun, generally going too educational and forgetting that the experience has to be enjoyable. And while I definitely cannot play Rhino Hero Junior as a competitor alongside my young kids, it is still fun to see their brains work while having fun.

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Asmodee and Kids – Holiday Fun – Animals Upon Animals

Last week Thursday - our regularly scheduled game night in the Roffel household - a big box of board games arrived from Asmodee Canada, two of which were aimed at young kids. While slightly outside my youngest age range - he's 3, and the one game suggested 4+ - we still opened up two of them to see how he would like them. Let's take a quick peak at Animals Upon Animals - Christmas Edition and, in a future article, Rhino Hero Junior. Let's take a look!

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