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Catching Up: A Late First Look At Uncharted 4

I got a Playstation 4 last year. So I was really late getting into this generation of Playstation. I have missed so many games. One of those games was Uncharted 4. I just bought it a couple of days ago during Sony’s digital Black Friday Sale. The game is still only $9.99 (US). Here are my early thoughts on the game!


I’ve played Uncharted 1, 2, and 3. I enjoyed all of those games. The multiplayer was fun but in my opinion, the single player was even better. The Uncharted series has always had fun stories and even better gameplay. I love the giant setup piece moments especially: trapped in a sinking ship, climbing up a train on a cliff, etc. And so I am super excited to be playing Uncharted 4 for the first time.

I am still pretty early on in the game I believe. There haven’t been any big set piece moments like previous games yet. I still hope there will be. That said, I am enjoying this game’s story a lot.

Uncharted 4, like the other Uncharted games, has a story that feels like a movie. It is well written, the dialogue is good, and you just want to keep playing the game.

Meanwhile, the gameplay is good, though I do have some minor issues with it. Unlike previous games, I’ve found myself getting lost sometimes as to where I have to go next. The game doesn’t point out to you where to go unless you have a lot of trouble figuring it out then it’ll throw you a hint. Also, so far, the game feels a lot heavier on the gunplay than previous games.

Still, Uncharted 4 has cool climbing mechanics and some neat puzzles. I also loved the very meta Naughty Dog experiance near the beginning of the game. And swimming underwater and traveling to Scotland and…well, I don’t want to give away too many spoilers. I’m sure someone out there still hasn’t played this game.

I am very late getting to Uncharted 4 but I’m glad I’m finally playing this game. Now, please, Naughty Dog, don’t let me down on the big set piece moment. I wanna see Nathan try to escape something epic!

What do you think of Uncharted 4? Please let us know in the comments


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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