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Metroid: Samus Returns Announced for 3DS

We are getting Metroid Prime 4 for the Nintendo Switch next year but this year we will be getting a reimagining of Metroid 2 from the original Gameboy. This title will be 3DS exclusive and be called Metroid: Samus Returns. We have more information about the title below, a trailer, and my impressions of the game!

Metroid: Samus Returns will be coming to the 3DS on September 15, 2017. There will be a regular edition and a special edition that comes with a soundtrack!

This game is a reimagining of Metroid 2 from the Gameboy. This version will have totally new graphics and add some features to the game. A map will be on the bottom screen of the 3DS and the top screen will feature 3D. There will be new powers not related to Samus suit that will have to recharged from time to time.

All of the gameplay footage I saw for this game looked amazing. I love the graphics, especially the new close ups for cutscenes and melee fighting. They say that the top screen has a lot of 3D depth! There is now a downloadable video of this game via the 3DS eshop and it looks fantastic in 3D.

The actual fighting in Samus Returns looked very similar to what we’ve seen in previous 2D Metroid games. And that’s great! I love 2D Metroid and its nice to see it make a return of the 3DS.

Before I go, I should also mention that two new Metroid amiibo were announced via the Treehouse! There was a new Samus amiibo and a Metroid amiibo. My favorite was the Metroid one!

So what did you think of Metroid: Samus Returns?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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