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KFC Just Got Tastier as the Company Teases Own Console

Fast food often goes hand-to-hand with online gaming, no surprises there. Whether you are munching on a juicy burger, enjoying a no deposit bingo bonus, or snacking on some Doritos as you casually try to get your ticket and victoriously yell bingo, you will often find fast food a prerequisite for a truly satisfying, delectable gaming experience.


Therefore, the news that KFC Gaming, the gaming division of fast-food chain KFC, is releasing a dedicated console to rival both Microsoft and Sony’s next-generation console didn’t come as much of a surprise. Then again it did. We all love snacking on good food while playing bingo, granted, but we never thought that the company behind these delectable treats would try to create an actual console. Well, KFC has and it holds a promise of success.

KFConsole All Over Social Media

The hype, as young people say, has been real. KFC Gaming has been pretty busy on social media showcasing glimpses of the upcoming hardware delight, promising some pretty exciting news. The console is cross-platform compatible and it supports 4K and 120FPS and, believe it or not, the console can also serve as a tray for your KFC delights.

The motto is also pretty catchy, with KFC expecting you to “power your hunger.” If the smell of KFC is enough to induce saliva in even the biggest skeptic, this marketing campaign has hit a bull’s mark and quite successfully at that.

What If It’s All a Big Joke: Your Next Generation Kentucky Fried Meat

Now, as it turns out, KFC is not actually releasing a console. This may sound a little disheartening, but as the company pointed out, it’s all part of an elaborate marketing campaign that is designed to tease gamers and raise the awareness for the KFC Gaming brand which has been a success.


The Tweet gathered over 74,000 likes with the KFC Gaming account presently sporting just shy of 120,000 followers. This indicates a great engagement among the community and a unique marketing campaign that has managed to reach the most people possible. The campaign was also very well-timed with KFC Gaming revealing the ad on June 12, just a day after Sony’s PlayStation 5 made a timid entry during the official online event held by the company.

With KFC Gaming proving more than a mere blip on the radar, players certainly appreciate the witticism. Testing the waters to what a community’s reactions to a new console would seem interesting, but then again, competing with the likes of Sony and Microsoft in a well-established segment where they dominate does seem a little exotic.

One thing is certain, though. Whether you love to play online bingo or enjoy the latest video games brought to you by Sony PlayStation or Xbox, you will always want a nice bucket of fried chicken by your side. Perhaps not as a rule of thumb if you are watching your waistline or are more environmentally conscious, but certainly on occasion.



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