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Importance of a Mobile Presence

Without an online mobile app, most games tied go personal computers or web browsers are bound to fail at some point. Yes, most people own a personal computer in their homes, but that is trumped by the number of mobile devices one might own.

And let’s remember, a mobile device is almost anything that is…well…mobile, runnimg some for of iOS or Android. So when we talk about mobile gaming and downloading our favorite apps off the various stores (Apple App Store or Google Play for example) we need to take into consideration all our devices that can use said apps. So we are talking here about iPads, phones, tablets, and yes I would even argue Chromebooks. The number of these devices within a home can be huge, as it is in mine.
By count, we have three phones, 5 tablets / iPads, and a Chromebook. In contrast, we have exactly one personal computer, and outside of trying to find my tax info on it from last year, it might have been last year at tax time when I actually powered the machine on last.
Even top Casino operators know they need an app to be most successful. Take for example the Caesar Casino promo being offered by Caesar Casino. Like all good non gambling games, this gambling company new success was not tied to a computer screen, but had to be made available on all platforms.
And there are risks to consumers In this way as well. For whatever reason, mobile devices have made us more impulsive than ever, especially as it comes to freemium titles. The allure of purchasing packs of goodies for your Disney Magic Kingdom, or perhaps a building or two from the Simpson’s Tapped Out is too much for some of us to handle. Imagine having a real casino at your fingertips?!
Thankfully the companies provide measures to curb these purchasing decisions. Both offer verification before purchases can be made, and also provide small print information on their services. In the case of the gambling websites, they often have direct connections to various gambling addiction centers offered by the State they are licensed to practice In, and only offer the lucrative bonus incentive to first time players.
They are taking measures to protect you, but ultimately the purchasing decision – whether to buy or not to buy – lies with the consumer, as it always has. So be vigilant. Going to mobile is the best thing these companies do. User will need to be careful how invested they become.
It is understandable that these companies use these purchasing tactics, however. Think about it – having both a online presence and an application on the various app stores is not cheap. Servers need to be purchased and maintained, and a good amount of staff needs to be present at all times in case of the meltdown with the game. Gamers are ruthless, and when or if their game goes down for significant periods of time, they will cry out in anger.
There are two sides to going mobile. Yes, the costs are much higher and the need to continuously update webpages and applications will take time  but the number of people you might reach is much higher than ever before, and every interaction with a user is a potential sale for the company.
So if you plan on launching a web based Game, make sure you have an application component. It could be vital to your success!

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blank Software Developer,Admin,Gamer,Gambling Expert and recently a happy parent :) so generally busy...

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