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Animal Crossing: New Horizons – April Free Update Will Arrive on April 23rd

Nintendo announced today that the April free update to Animal Crossing New Horizons would be coming out on April 23rd. The update is far bigger than any expected! Check out the video below and then come back for some thoughts on it.

The Animal Crossing: New Horizons free April update will add Nature Day, which includes Leif as a traveling merchant. He will sell flowers and wait for it…bushes! I’m very excited about the return of bushes. They look really good in this game too.

If that wasn’t enough for you, Crazy Redd is returning too! This time he’s going by Jolly Redd and has a boat that shows up on your secret beach. Jolly Redd will sell paintings, statues, and furniture.

I thought paintings would return but had no idea about statues. I’m glad Redd will sell furniture too. He stopped doing that in New Leaf.

Along with the return of paintings and statues comes an expansion of the museum. The museum will have a section for paintings and statues. Nintendo did not show where this expansion is located. I wonder if the museum will have to close down for a day to expand. Hmm.

And if all that wasn’t enough, there will be even more holidays added to the game. May Day, International Museum Day, and Wedding Season.

May Day adds special Nook Miles tours, International Museum Day will have special items you can get at the museum with stamps, and Wedding Season will see the return of Reese and Cyrus for wedding photos. There no sign of a reward there but there has to be something right?

As you might be able to tell, I’m pretty excited for this update. The Bunny Day update was…well…not as great as I’m initially thought it would be. This update looks a ton better and actually will change the game a bit thanks to the addition of paintings, statues, Redd, and Leif!

The update adds stuff for April-June. So our next update should be in July I would think. I wonder what that update will add!

What are your thoughts on the update?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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