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Trials of Mana Demo First Impressions

Square Enix has released a demo of Trials of Mana for the Nintendo Switch (its also on the PS4). I played the demo on the Switch and now I have some thoughts on it!


The Trials of Mana demo is packed with content. Players are allowed to pick from several characters to play as, plus they can have two companions.

I have tried out two of the characters but haven’t finished their sections yet. Each character starts off in a different area of the game and at least with the two characters I’ve played, they end up going to the same part of the world eventually.

The towns in the Trials of Mana demo have a lot to them. You can talk to every NPC and there are bunch of treasure chests and glowing spots to find. And when you go into the game’s forest area, you’ll find a ton of enemies to fight and chests to find.

As far as combat goes in Trials of Mana, its pretty simple but its also fun. A quick tutorial battle near the beginning of the game will tell you everything you need to know about the combat. I like the combat and love that you can level up and add new abilities and strengths to the characters. There is supposed to be a job system in Trials of Mana but I’m unsure if its available in the demo.

Finally, there’s the game’s graphics and voice acting. During cutscenes, the graphics are really good. However, during normal gameplay the graphics are not as good. They are not terrible but you do notice the difference between cutscene and gameplay.

The voice acting, meanwhile, is a mixed bag. Some of the voices are not bad, while others are bad.

So far, I like the Trials of Mana demo. The game shows a lot of promise. I like how each of the characters have their own unique personality and storyline. Thats going to add a lot of replay value to the game. With the addition of classes and new powers, the battle system should get even better in the actual game.

I will continue to play the Trials of Mana demo and write another article about it if I discover anything new.

Have you played the demo? What do you think of it? Will you be buying Trials of Mana next month?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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