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Video: What Happens When Peachette Saves Peach?

When Nintendo re-launched New Super Mario Bros U into it’s deluxe form, they not only brought all of the original game plus New Super Luigi U onto one cartridge, but also included a brand new character, obtained by bringing Toadette to her final and most powerful form: Peachette. While some consider Peachette to be a cheat of sorts – which we cannot understand and talk about here – many are really enjoying using her throughout their adventures.


It does beg the question however: what happens if you use Peachette to save Peach? When Mario runs up the steps and sees Peach in the far away tower, she’s excited to see him and calls out, but not before having the bars come slaming down over the window! When Peachette approaches, Peach herself has a quizzical look. Is she actually being saved by…herself?

You can watch the entire encounter plus the final boss fight courtesy of Abdallah Smash, video posted below.

Before uniting with Peach in the castle, Peachette reverts back to Toadette, making the final scene a bit more understandable, but less interesting. It was a nice little addition by Nintendo, but I think fans expected just a bit more fun to be had with it. What are your thoughts on the finale?


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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