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Animal Crossing: New Leaf Is Getting Unique Crossover DLC In Japan Next Month

The update to Animal Crossing New Leaf has created a lot of interest in the title again. I never stopped playing the game myself, however I have been playing it a lot more since the update. I especially love the new campground that’s been added to the game. I’m a huge fan of the van animals! And so, I have to admit, I’m very jealous of the new crossover dlc that Japan will be getting next month.


Next month, a brand new animal will be coming to the Japanese version of Animal Crossing New Leaf – Welcome amiibo. The animal will arrive via a DLC van in the campground. If you live in Japan, you will have to talk to Harvey and ask about Wi-Fi to get the animal to visit your campground.

This new animal (pictured above) is a hamster and Nintendo created him in collaboration with a Japanese glue company called Fueki! The van will have some brand new furniture for people to order too.


The DLC van isn’t the only thing that Japan will be getting from this collaboration. Some real life Animal Crossing inspired glue bottles will be released too. These glue bottles look like the new hamster, Isabelle, and K.K. Slider. They will cost 810 yen each.

The new DLC van will be available from February 1st till May 1st in Japan.

I’m not sure if Nintendo of America will release this DLC animal here. We have yet to receive the last DLC animal that Japan got (the 7-11 horse). I do know that a friend of mine from the UK already has this new hamster! He is definitely a unique animal.

What do you think of this new hamster? Do you like his furniture? And do you think we’ll ever see him in North America?

Source: Go Nintendo


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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