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Pode for the Nintendo Switch is a beautiful looking game. I knew that from the first time I saw the game in a Nintendo Direct. However, looks are not everything. Does Pode have fun gameplay to back up its wonderful graphics? Pode has great graphics. From the moment I started playing the game, I was stunned by the game’s fantastic level and character designs. I wasn’t sure what the heck was going on with the game’s story-there is no dialogue…

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You’re Never Alone In Pode for Nintendo Switch

The puzzle platformer genre never gets old in my opinion. It seems like some developer is always coming up with a unique and interesting new game for the genre. Pode is the newest puzzle platformer for the Nintendo Switch. The game is out today for the eshop. I got a review code of the game and have been playing it. My review isn’t ready yet, but I thought I’d give you a look into the world of Pode. Is this…

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