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You’re Never Alone In Pode for Nintendo Switch

The puzzle platformer genre never gets old in my opinion. It seems like some developer is always coming up with a unique and interesting new game for the genre. Pode is the newest puzzle platformer for the Nintendo Switch. The game is out today for the eshop. I got a review code of the game and have been playing it. My review isn’t ready yet, but I thought I’d give you a look into the world of Pode. Is this another unique puzzle platformer that you must buy?

Pode is a puzzle platformer in which a rock creature and sun creature team up to go on a journey. Along the way, they will jump, solve puzzles, and bring plants and rocks to life. The first thing you’ll notice about this game once you start playing it, though, is just how beautiful the game is!

Without a doubt, Pode has great graphics. The game looks wonderful in portable mode. I’m sure it looks great on the TV too. I will play the game on the TV before my final review. Not only that, but Pode looks like a game too good to keep to myself.

Speaking of which, if you have a friend who likes co-op, you can play Pode with a friend! I tried out the two-player to see how it worked and it seemed pretty good. Split joy-cons is possible, so players will not have to buy a seperate controller to play Pode with a friend.

You can, of course, play Pode by yourself too. There will still be two characters on the screen at all times. Players can switch between them with a press of the button. Also, you can connect the two characters via a white line that will drag the character you are not playing around with you no matter where you go. Single player works really well. Though, I suspect two heads will be better than one in some of the puzzles in this game.

Pode can be a challenging puzzle platformer at times. Once you get past the intial levels of Pode, there isn’t too many hints as to how to solve puzzles. You have to figure it out on your own! So you may want to team up with a friend to solve some of the more complex puzzles in Pode.

Oh and there is one more feature that Pode includes that I should mention. Pode has the Nintendo Switch’s video capture functionality! I included a video from my play sessions at the start of this article. I will be posting more short videos via my twitter soon. So be on the look out for that!

Overall, this game is a lot of fun so far. The gameplay works well and the graphics are wonderful. If you like puzzle platformers, then Pode will be a game you’ll want.

I will have my full review of Pode next week. Please keep an eye out for it and stay tuned to!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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