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Is Daemon X Machina’s Prototype Missions Demo Worth A Look?

We got a few free things after the Nintendo Direct yesterday. There was a free-to-play game and a free demo. And then there was the biggest and most unexpected free thing: a demo of Daemon X Machina! The game is still being worked on and it looks like the developer wants feedback, hence the free look at the game. What do I think of Daemon X Machina Prototype Missions? Check out my impressions below. When I first saw Daemon X…

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Daemon X Machina Live Gameplay Shown Today

Daemon X Machina was perhaps the biggest surprise of Nintendo’s E3 Direct. It was a game we had never heard of before and knew zero about. The brief teaser yesterday during the Direct didn’t really tell us much. We knew it was a game involving mechs but not much else. Live Gameplay was shown during today’s Treehouse Live! Check out the gameplay (via Nintendo Everything) and then please come back here for my impressions of Daemon X Machina. At first…

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