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Daemon X Machina Live Gameplay Shown Today

Daemon X Machina was perhaps the biggest surprise of Nintendo’s E3 Direct. It was a game we had never heard of before and knew zero about. The brief teaser yesterday during the Direct didn’t really tell us much. We knew it was a game involving mechs but not much else. Live Gameplay was shown during today’s Treehouse Live! Check out the gameplay (via Nintendo Everything) and then please come back here for my impressions of Daemon X Machina.

At first glance, I thought Daemon X Machina looked a lot like Xenoblade Chronicles X. After seeing the live Treehouse footage though, I think it only really has mechs and customization in common with that game.

In Daemon X Machina, you can customize your character and your mech. I thought that the character customizer was pretty cool. The full game sounds like it’ll have even more options for the look of your character. And while customizing your mech wasn’t shown off, it sounds like it will be really good.

Of course, the meat and potatoes of this gameplay demo was the mech out on a mission. The graphics were very stylized during the mission. The landscape and enemies were cel-shaded. I really like this game’s graphics a lot.

The gameplay is totally different from something like Xenoblade Chronicles X. The mech fighting reminded me of games like Armored Core and Zone of Enders more than Xenoblade X. Daemon X Machina really isn’t an rpg. It looks like it has some rpg elements, but it is much more of an action game. Nothing wrong with that!

This game looks like a lot of fun. We’ll have to wait till next year to find out for sure though. Daemon X Machina is a 2019 release for Nintendo Switch.



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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