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Legna Tactica


Legna Tactica Review

Final Fantasy Tactics. Disaega. Fire Emblem. Legna Tactica. Wait. What was that last one? Legna Tactica is a brand new strategy rpg for the 3DS eshop. Much like the other games named, you’ll be moving your characters across squares in various levels. Legna Tactica shares a lot in common with the games I mentioned, but is it a good game or just a cheap rip-off of other strategy rpgs? Legna Tactica has way too much dialogue! Its similar to Fire…

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Swords & Strategy: A Look At Legna Tactica for the 3DS

I love strategy rpgs. My favorite of this genre is still Final Fantasy Tactics for the PlayStation 1, though I am a huge fan of the recent entries in the Fire Emblem series. So when an indie developer brings a strategy rpg to the 3DS, I’m always interested. Legna Tactica is currently available on the 3DS eshop. I recently received a review copy of the game and I’ve been playing it a lot. My review isn’t ready yet, but I…

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Legna Tactica Battles Its Way to the 3DS Eshop Today

Kecmo has brought a lot of rpgs to the Wii U and 3DS eshop. All of these games have been turn based rpgs though. Legna Tactica, just released today for the 3DS eshop, is a bit different though. Legna is a strategy rpg! I love strategy rpgs. I may even love strategy rpgs as much as I love turn-based rpgs. The jury is still out on that one. What I can tell you is that I really love how Legna…

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