Gimmick!, released in Scandinavia as Mr. Gimmick, is a platform video game developed and published by Sunsoft, and originally released in Japan for the NES in 1992. The story follows a small green yōkai named Yumetaro who was mistakenly gifted as a toy to a young girl. After the girl’s toys come to life and whisk the girl away to another dimension, Yumetaro gives chase to save her. Playing as Yumetaro, the player must maneuver through a variety of levels,…
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Gimmick! Special Edition Is Available on Consoles and PC Now!
6th July, 2023 by Kevin Austin
Bitwave Games, a modern retro game studio and part of Embracer Freemode, is delighted to announce the long-awaited NES™ platformer Gimmick! Special Edition is available for digital download today. A legendary title from SUNSOFT, masters of the NES™ platformer, Gimmick! has achieved near mythical status thanks to its impressive visuals, incredibly addictive physics-based gameplay and limited release status. Originally arriving in 1992, late in the lifecycle of the NES™, Gimmick! was only available across Japan and Scandinavia, securing its ...
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