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get to the choppa


More Thoughts From Me Special Edition: Cowabunga! What A State of Play

Playstation had a State of Play video today. You can check it out below and then please come back here for my thoughts on it. Oh dude! COWABUNGA! Before I get to THAT announcement, let me back track a little bit. I admit when I first saw Capcom’s new game, I thought it might be a new Dino Crisis. Yes, I know there were no mechs in the original Dino Crisis, but you never know. Instead it was a brand…

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Predator Hunting Grounds Review

Very few icons of 80’s action movies continue to drive mainstream appeal, but when someone mentions Predator to me. I instantly thing of high action, lush jungles, bullets flying, and Arnold telling me to GET TO THA CHOPPA! Over the years Predator maintains a decent popularity whether in their own films or having some cross overs with Aliens its always a brutal bloodbath of action. Can Predator Huntring grounds capture that same spirit? Right off the bat you might think…

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