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More Thoughts From Me Special Edition: Cowabunga! What A State of Play

Playstation had a State of Play video today. You can check it out below and then please come back here for my thoughts on it.


Before I get to THAT announcement, let me back track a little bit. I admit when I first saw Capcom’s new game, I thought it might be a new Dino Crisis. Yes, I know there were no mechs in the original Dino Crisis, but you never know. Instead it was a brand new game called Exoprimal. It looked alright overall. Its no Jurassic Park!

Then we got some other games that looked fine. But it wasn’t until the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles appeared that I lost it. Completely. No it wasn’t Shredder’s Revenge. Instead, it was collection of retro TMNT games! NES, SNES, and even Gameboy TMNT games!!! Its called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection.


And it looks so great. I mean, just look at this:


I need this NOW. Though I admit I’d rather have it on the Switch. I hope this gets announced for the Switch. Please! Also: did you notice the bit about online multiplayer?! NEED THIS!

Well, I thought nothing could top the Turtles announcement in this State of Play. And I was right. Although, the announcements at the very end almost do top the Turtles bit.

Square Enix really brought it in this State of Play. They had already shown Strangers in Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin (demo today) and Forspoken. And then they showed two more games to end the State of Play:


The Diofield Chronicle is a brand new strategy rpg from Square Enix. Yes, for a second I thought it could be a new Final Fantasy Tactics. I know, I know. But still another new strategy rpg from Square is a good sign. I’m so glad they are getting back into this genre. And the game looks really good! Not as good as Triangle Strategy but I still want to play this.

Then the final game popped up. I thought it could be a Final Fantasy spinoff, instead it was Valkyrie Elysium:


A new Valkyrie Profile game! I was not expecting this at all. It looked amazing!

Overall, I think it was a really good State of Play. No, they didn’t show FF16. Yes I do have some disappointment there, but honestly I can’t stop thinking about that TMNT collection. And those two Square Enix games make me happy. Thank you Konami and Square Enix!

What did you think of today’s State of Play? Which game shown are you looking forward to the most?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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