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Detective Pikachu


Pokémon Presents | 8.8.2023 (Video)

A brand new Pokémon Presents aired today! Check it out below. A new Pokémon Presents aired today. It showed new footage of the upcoming Detective Pikachu game and the Violet/Scarlet DLC. There was also updates on mobile games and animated series. Perhaps the best announcement was that two Pokémon games will be coming to Nintendo Switch Online today! The Pokémon Trading Card Game for Gameboy and Pokémon Stadium for the 64 will be on the service soon! What did you…

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Detective Pikachu Review

Even if you are not a long time fan of the Pokémon franchise, there is one thing you probably do know: Pokémon don’t talk to humans and humans don’t talk to Pokémon. Sure, based on emotions of a Pokémon - or even their actions - a good trainer can determine what a Pokémon is thinking or feeling; but to actually talk to one? That is basically unheard of. So when we learned about the popular Japanese Detective Pikachu and that it was going to be brought over to the West, I was incredibly skeptical. I wasn’t onboard with talking Pikachu. So how did this colour ...

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Detective Pikachu Is On the Case

Pokemon is one of Nintendo’s most popular franchises. There are a ton of Pokemon games and spinoffs coming out all the time. The newest Pokemon spinoff, currently in Japan, is Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Combination for the 3DS!   Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Combination was released today (Feb. 3rd) in Japan for the 3DS. While there is no release date for North America yet, I would find it hard to believe that a Pokemon title wouldn’t…

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