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blank News 11 years ago

Michael, Trevor and Franklin: 3 faces of GTA 5

Rockstar have released three trailers introducing the three heroes of Grand Theft Auto V. While many publishers may have chosen to spread the videos over time, Take Two and Rockstar have decided to unveil three simultaneously, putting the shot focus on an important aspect of GTA 5: there are three protagonists. Each have their own part in the plot, and stories will intersect as you play. The player will be able to move from character to character whenever they want.

blank News 12 years ago

Thief: Out of the Shadows Officially Unveiled

Square Enix have today officially unveiled the next Thief game. Subtitled Out of the Shadows, the new entry in the successful cult franchise will be released on PC, PS4 and “other next-gen consoles.” Aside from the trailer, very little was revealed about the game. It’s set in a city in which the poor are desperately waiting for something to change, and it allows the player to approach any given situation in a number of ways.  Of course, it looks fantastic…

blank News 12 years ago

Sony Computer Entertainment Japan, Asia, Pan-Asia Dissolved, One Company Formed

Sony have today announced that it is closing Sony Computer Entertainment Japan, Sony Computer Entertainment Asia and Sony Computer Entertainment Pan-Asia, replacing all three companies with Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia. The one company will run across several territories, not entirely unlike SCEE has been doing for years. This will mean several big changes to the way these territories are run. Although it seems odd timing – what with it being April Fools and all – it’s also the first…

blank News 12 years ago

Egg Shaped PS4? – Just what are Sony UK Teasing?

Sony have yet to show off their PS4 console, and it’s causing many to wonder just what the device will look like. That’s why a post on the UK Sony Facebook page is causing a bit of a splash with their followers. The picture shows a red egg-shaped device that looks as much like a chair from an old sci-fi program than it does a games console. This can’t possible be the PlayStation 4, can it? I have to admit,…

blank News 12 years ago

Was Moby Dick’s Joakim CGI, made in Fox Engine?

The Phantom Pain interview with Geoff Keighley yesterday has got plenty of people talking. Unfortunately, the grand reveal turned out to be little more than a man in bandages (similar to the man in The Phantom Pain trailer we saw last year) saying that answers were coming. Nothing seemed to be revealed, or was it? The interview no doubt has some sort of purpose. This has let some to believe the man in bandages might be Cliffy B in disguise…

blank News 12 years ago

Geoff Keighley to Interview Joakim at Moby Dick Studios

Geoff Keighley is today interviewing the head of Moby Dick Studios. The most impressive thing about this is that the mysterious Joakim Mogren almost certainly doesn’t exist… Keighley tweeted earlier that he was going out to meet the lead on The Phantom Pain, the game that many concluded was actually Metal Gear Solid V. Joakim is, of course, an anagram of Kojima and anybody with even a passing interest in the Metal Gear series recognized references and flat out signs…

blank Articles, News 12 years ago

PS4 Backwards Compatibility Explained: Why Sony Ditched Offline BC and Why The Cloud is the Future

The big issue for the PlayStation 4 is its lack of offline backwards compatibility. It’s the most often repeated complaint, often followed some variation of the phrase “it’s not a deal breaker, but really Sony should have made more of an effort.”

blank News 12 years ago

GDC Study Reveals State of the Industry

Just prior to this year’s Game Developers Conference, researchers for the event polled more than 2,500 North American game developers in order to get an idea of just how the industry is doing. Their results have revealed interesting trends with regards to what platforms are getting the most attention. The most interesting data collected by GDC researchers has to do with what platforms are being worked on. Dedicated handhelds are getting minimal support, with only 4.2% currently working on a…

blank News 12 years ago

PlayStation 4 Finally Revealed

In front of millions of people the world over, Sony last night announced their next foray into the world of gaming. The PlayStation 4 boasts an impressive array of social and convenience features