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blank News 12 years ago

Xbox One Will Allow Self-Publishing for Indies

According to GameInformer, the Xbox One will be doing another 180. Previously, games could not access digital distribution without a publisher, but now Microsoft is reversing this policy. Self-publishing will now be available to independent developers on the Xbox One. This is welcome news, as the popularity of independent games has soared in recent years. Microsoft claims the backlash from consumers and developers is what drove them to make this decision. I don’t blame them after getting called out simply…

blank News 12 years ago

Gran Turismo movie rumoured to be in production

A feature adaptation of the best selling racing simulator Gran Turismo is rumoured to be in production by Sony Pictures with 'Fifty Shades Of Grey' producers Mike De Luca and Dana Brunetti at the helm.

blank News 12 years ago

Fun PSN games for less than a buck

The Steam Sale may have been the hot topic this past week, but it's not the only place to go for some sweet deals on some great games. The PlayStation Network has its fair share of bargains too. The recent PSN Store update for America may have been a bit lackluster on new content, but the discounts are worth checking out.

blank News 12 years ago

Final Fantasy VII Web Series Takes to Kickstarter

We’ve all seen a live action project of Final Fantasy VII somewhere on the internet, but this one is asking for your help to make it the best. Shinra Productions LLC have launched a Kickstarter for their project called Final Fantasy VII: The Web Series. The Kickstarter describes it as “…a fan project dedicated to bringing the characters, events, and excitement seen in the iconic videogame Final Fantasy VII into a live-action web series.” The series’ first season will consist…

blank News 12 years ago

Firefly Online Announced

Whedon fans have long dreamed of the day when the beloved sci-fi series Firefly would return - but I don't think any of them expected it to happen like this. At Comic-Con this week, SparkPlug games announced Firefly Online, a social MMORPG set to launch on iOS and Android in early 2014.

blank News 12 years ago

Final Fantasy VII Speed Runner narrowly missed out on World Record

A Final Fantasy VII speed runner this morning missed out on the world record by only a few minutes. After a few random attacks cost him minutes during his run, he finally died in one of the final boss battles and he was forced to give up. It had taken him only a little over seven and a half hours to get there.

blank News 12 years ago

Microsoft investigating ad placement on Xbox Dashboard

A parent on Reddit complained about an advert been shown on the Xbox 360 Dashboard that scared his 3 year old daughter so much so she now refuses to even turn the machine on again.

God of War: Ascension News 12 years ago

God of War Announcement Incoming

Santa Monica have teased a God of War announcement of some sort via Twitter. Is it a big announcement, or is it something tiny? A map pack or a new game? All we know at this point is that it's on its way. The Instagram link is of a short video that shows a group fighting in a coliseum of sorts. The rest is entirely a mystery.

blank News 12 years ago

The Last of Us Sets UK Chart Record for 2013

The Last of Us has now spent longer at the top of the UK charts than any other game of the year. Naughty Dog's latest has now been top of the list for six weeks, equalizing with records held by Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and FIFA 14. While this is definitely great news for fans of the game, that it has set this record says more about the games that are releasing alongside it than it does The Last of Us itself.

blank News 12 years ago

Borderlands 2 New DLC, Level Cap Announced

Although the season pass for Borderlands 2 ended with the fantastic Assault on Dragon's Keep, Gearbox isn't done with their smash hit action-RPG just yet. During a panel at PAX Australia, Gearbox announced new plans to keep the world of Pandora fresh through the fall, with new 'Headhunter' mission packs and a huge raise to the level cap.