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blank News 11 years ago

PlayStation 4 Release Date Announced, Will be Available in 32 Countries in November

Sony have tonight revealed the release date for the PlayStation 4. Although rumours hinted at an October release date, the PlayStation 4 will be available for purchase on November 15th in the US and November 29th in EU territories. The price will be £349, $399 and €399. There have been over a million pre-orders so far worldwide, despite some retailers cancelling pre-orders in the hope of curbing stock issues. That's not too bad, although initial excitement is no indication as to just how long things are going to last.

blank News 11 years ago

PlayStation Vita, PS3 Price Drops Announced

There's never been a better time to get into the PlayStation "ecosystem," a word used several times in tonight's Sony GamesCom conference. It was at that conference that both the PlayStation Vita and the PlayStation 3 received price drops.

blank News 11 years ago

Garfield Kart Announced, Has Cross-platform Play

Anuman Interactive have today announced Garfield Kart, an arcade racer based on the famous comic book series. With eight racers to choose from and sixteen tracks to master, Garfield Kart will have you exploring alternative routes and talking no end of lasagne when it releases in October of this year.

blank News 11 years ago

GTA Online to be an MMO.. eventually.

The GTA Online trailer released last week was nothing short of amazing. What we saw in the 3 minute trailer however is just the beginning. The plan is to carefully mould it into a fully fledged MMO.

blank News 11 years ago

Origin Special Offers Coming

Keep an eye at Origin on the 21st of August! Here is why: Up to 70% off Storewide Sale on Origin! Offer valid 8/21 at 12:01 am until 8/27 at 4:59am. 25% off SimCity Franchise! Offer valid 8/21 at 12:01 am until 8/27 at 4:59am. 6 Games at $6 each! Battlefield 3, The Sims 3, Mass Effect 3, Dead Space 1 , Dragon Age Origins, Crysis 1 all priced at $6 each! Offer valid 8/21 at 12:01 am until 8/27…

blank News 11 years ago

PS4 release date being revealed tomorrow

Sony have confirmed that they will be announcing the release date of the PS4 tomorrow at 6pm CET at Gamescom in Germany.

blank News 11 years ago

Dragon Age Social Game to be Announced Soon?

A forum at the Bioware Social site has revealed a new social game, Heroes of Dragon Age, may be announced in the near future. The forum, which is definitely set up for public access (with role playing and feedback sub-forums set up) is locked to posters, but is accessible at the link above.

blank News 11 years ago

Call of Duty: Ghosts Reveal was on PC With Xbox One Controllers

It's been revealed that the Call of Duty: Ghosts unveiling was actually done on PC, with Xbox One controllers plugged in. With only three months before the launch of both the console and the game, some may be worried by this, although it's not really as bad as it sounds.

blank News 11 years ago

Three Street Fighter II Games Coming to Wii U

Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting and Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers will all be coming to the Wii U Virtual Console this week, at least Nintendo seem to reckon so.

blank News 11 years ago

Call of Duty: Ghosts Coming to Vita?

Call of Duty: Ghosts may just be coming to PlayStation Vita. Gamestop Spain have posted a listing for a Vita version of this year's biggest arcade shooter, listing it at 45 euros. Of course, this might be a mistake on their part - a tick box ticked where no tick should be. That isn't always the case though, and it wouldn't be the first time that a retailer has revealed a game ahead of its official announcement.