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blank News 11 years ago

Saints Row IV Region Locking Prevents Playing Uncensored Version?

If you're from Australia and were planning of having a friend gift you a copy of Saints Row IV so that you might play without any censorship, you may find that you'll be disappointed come release day. A rumour is circulating that if you live in a country where your alien-battling super hero adventure has been made a little less violent, that's the version of the game you'll play regardless of how it was bought.

Self-publishing on Xbox One News 11 years ago

Microsoft confirms Xbox One launch markets

We reported late last month on a rumour that the Xbox One will be launching to a total of only 13 countries this holiday season. Microsoft have now confirmed this rumour with a recent update to the Official Xbox website.

blank News 11 years ago

Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Revealed; Female Characters Added

Activision and Infinity Ward have released a video displaying some of the new additions to Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer. Along with the continued smooth, fun gameplay that keeps the Call of Duty franchise a must-buy year after year, Ghosts multiplayer brings with it new game modes, new weaponry and, most importantly, female characters.

blank News 11 years ago

New Metal Gear Game Coming This Year

It seems there will be a new Metal Gear game coming this year. Whether it'll be a Ground Zeroes or something completely different is anybody's guess - but you'll be waiting for a long time for The Phantom Pain either way.

blank News 11 years ago

Humble Bundle Evolved – Is this the best Bundle Yet?

How would you feel about picking up more or less every single major EA game from the last seven years for next to nothing? Well, today is the day. The latest Humble Bundle is all about EA and includes everything from Dead Space 3 to Mirror's Edge. That's if you pay a dollar. Aim a little higher and you'll get The Sims 3 and a couple of expansions, plus Battlefield 3.

blank News 11 years ago

Wii Fit “Saved” Man’s Life

It isn't often that you hear how video games can positively impact on your life, because that doesn't sell to the anti-everything crowd. Here's a story that's positively heart warming, and one that could and should serve as an inspiration to countless others. Nintendo's Wii Fit has often been used as a joke amongst the hardcore crowd, but the proof is out there that it works, and that it works well.

blank News 11 years ago

Gamestop restocks rare game. Collectors screaming scam.

Gamestop have stocked up on used copies of the extremely rare XenoBlade Chronicles for the Wii. However many suspect the games aren't used at all.

blank News 11 years ago

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition Coming to Vita

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition was the recent re-release of Duke Nukem 3D, available through Steam with a handful of bonus features. Achievements, reworked visuals and smoothed out gameplay all made one of the classic FPS experiences more enjoyable to a modern audience, while a handful of bonus expansions available through the game itself was enough to excite old fans all over again. There was also a DosBox version of the original Duke Nukem 3D included as well.

blank News 11 years ago

GTAV Online gameplay trailer coming on Thursday

The world premiere of the Official Grand Theft Auto Online gameplay trailer will be this Thursday August 15. The gameplay trailer of the single player portion of Rockstar’s upcoming GTAV released last month was enough to satisfy most (if not all) fans. It even managed to create a buzz surrounding the online element by giving us a brief glimpse of things to come. Now, only a few weeks away from its release date, R* are finally showing us exactly what…

blank News 11 years ago

Cory Barlog Makes a “Crazy” Return to Santa Monica Studios

Cory Barlog teased a "crazy" announcement late last week, and it did indeed turn out to be something nobody could have expected. The God of War 2 director has returned to Santa Monica Studios. For those that aren't sure why that's a big deal, he also wrote and did the original design for God of War III, and did the script for God of War: Ghost of Sparta. In many ways, his vision led one of the most popular franchises under the PlayStation brand.