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blank News 8 years ago

Ubisoft Cracking Down on Glitch Users

There appears to be a major Glitch in the Division during the Falcon's Last Intrusion boss, and a number of people are taking advantage of it. Not any more! At least that is what Ubisoft is saying. Despite technically creating this problem themselves - this was not a hack someone exploited, this is merely a glitch - Ubisoft says they will crack down on anyone who attempts to exploit it.

blank Articles, News 8 years ago

Activision Launching New Ghostbusters Game in July

If you cannot get enough of Ghostbusters - really, who can get enough, am I right?! - then perhaps you might be interested in Activision's upcoming Ghostbusters game for PC, Xbox One, and PS4. In this cooperative title, you and a band of three friends will roam around New York City removing the ghostly presence, one-by-one. There seems to be a heavy emphasis on cooperative couch play, something only indies are really pushing for now a days. If for no other reason, I hope this AAA game will be the driving force behind a resurgence in couch cooperative play. To the industries credit, more and more titles are bringing this back.

blank News 8 years ago

Where Gears of War 4 Beta Information

Microsoft released more details about the upcoming Gears of War 4 title which expected to launch this October. The BETA for Gears of War 4 will launch on April 18 - for those who purchased and played Gears of War: Ultimate Edition - and all Xbox Live Gold members can join up on April 24th. Microsoft has announced that anyone who reaches Level 20 in the BETA will receive some exclusive content when Gears of War 4 Launches.

blank News 8 years ago

Next Call of Duty DLC Announced

The latest Call of Duty Black Ops 3 DLC is about to land first on PS4 later this month, and Activision has released a new trailer for it. The DLC will be available on other platforms later in the year, but a deal with Sony means it will be on Playstation first.

blank Articles, News 8 years ago

Microsoft Launching New Bundle

Microsoft is about to take over from Nintendo as the company with a million different version of their most popular console. They have done it again, with a console bundle that will rival all bundles as the go-to purchase for those getting into the Xbox game for the first time with the ability to pick a great game from the Xbox One lineup.

blank Articles, News 8 years ago

Miitomo is a Hit

Miitomo is a hit, and know one should be surprised. While I continue to have my reservations about how long it will continue to be relevant without some significant changes, it appears as if people are happy with it for now. They are really happy, in fact. Today, Nintendo released some data on Miitomo's success since launch. With over 4 million active monthly users, the game is generating 40,000 dollars per day. The average user is playing for 8 minutes per day.

blank Articles, News 8 years ago

Nintendo Cannot Afford Another WiiU

Rumors are rampant lately surrounding the Nintendo NX. We haven't commented on them, and don't plan to comment on them. However, we can comment on what Nintendo does next and what they will need to do to re-introduce themselves as a main stream gaming platform for everyone. Yes, Nintendo is friendly to everyone, but it does not cater to everyone. To find substantial success, it will need to do this.

blank Articles, News 8 years ago

Nintendo Spring Sale

Nintendo is having another games blowout for both Wii U and 3DS via the Nintendo eShop. It appears as if this Spring Sale will be live until April 21st at 11:59 PM Eastern Time. Nearly 100 games will be on sale, including mega hits like Mario Kart 8, and indie hit SteamWorld Dig from Image and Form.

blank Articles, News 8 years ago

Fallout 4 Lives On at Games Reviews

Fallout 4 is a fantastic game, one that has gotten a lot of play time at Games Reviews. With the latest DLC pack, we have been dumping even more time in this wasteland, building our bases, upgrading our equipment, and lately, destroying crazed robots! Fallout 4 is one of those games that the initial investment of 79.99 - in Canada - is really worth it as they amount of time played will easily exceed 100 hours. We are on hour 143.

blank News 8 years ago

Adam’s Venture Origins First Impresions

Adam Venture's Origins might not look the best, and may have some issues that make it a bit rough around the edges, but it does an excellent job of mixing adventure and puzzles in a title that is sure to impress. If you have longed for a puzzle game on Xbox One, and can't seem to find the desire to work through some of what Telltale is offering, I strongly recommend Adam Venture's Origins.