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Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life Review

Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life

Release: June 27, 2023
Publisher: Xseed Games
Developer: Marvelous AQL
Genre: Adventure, Genres, Sim, Simulation, Xbox Series X Categories, Xbox Series X Reviews


Great About Rating
8.5 - Gameplay
8.5 - Video
8.0 - Audio

Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life is a remake of a classic Harvest Moon game. It’ll be out very soon for the Xbox Series and other systems. How is this game? Check out our review of Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life for the Xbox Series.

Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life is a remake of Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life, which originally appeared on the GameCube and the PS2. I played both versions of those games and liked them a bunch. How does the remake hold up though?

Well, Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life is a lot like the original. The game does have a story of sorts, characters that have their own lives and things happen as the years pass. We won’t spoil anything. That said, the story isn’t the main part of what A Wonderful Life is.


At its core, Story of of Seasons A Wonderful Life is a farming sim where you can do whatever you want: fish, farm, raise animals, explore, and more. This game does lack some of the things that later Harvest Moon’s had like medicine for animals and a wide variety of crops. The fishing is pretty good but there aren’t many types of fish and it gets a little boring after awhile. The main gameplay loop of farming, raising crops, etc is pretty addictive and fun though.

The game controls well and there aren’t too many glitches, just a character walking through an object on occasion. Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life is a very good remake of the original game for the most part and keeps the same spirt of Harvest Moon. The graphics are, without a doubt, much better than they were on the GameCube or PS2.


Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life has really good graphics. Its not next generation graphics, but its better than how the game looked on the GameCube or PS2. All of the characters and environments look nice.

Meanwhile, the game’s music is a mixed bag. While the music is good, it stops and repeats itself way too much. Overall, Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life is a great game that players should check out, especially if they’ve never played the original.

Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life was an excellent game and the Story of Seasons remake is a great version of the game. While some things could be better, like the fishing, the game is very good for the most part. If you loved the game on GameCube or PS2 or you’ve played this game before, you should definitely check this remake out on the Xbox Series!

A digital code was provided for this review. Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life will be out on the Xbox Series systems on June 27th, 2023.



Article By

blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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