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Switch Reviews


PowerA Enhanced Wireless Controller

The wireless Pro Controller from Nintendo is one of the best controllers available on the market, not only for the Nintendo Switch, but across all current generation systems. With the HD rumble and gyro controls, there really isn’t a controller like it. Unfortunately, all of that functionality comes with a heavy price tag, to a resounding 89.99 CAD in Canada. While not releasing a cheaper alternative, Nintendo has partnered with PowerA to release a set of Enhanced Wireless controllers, with…

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Construction Simulator 2 Review

Simulation titles, for the most part, are really hit and miss on their execution. Bus simulator and Airline simulator are two big misses for me, while Farming Simulator is probably one of the best in the genre. Construction simulator had a ton of potential to be outstanding, as it skews more towards farming simulator, as opposed to bus or airline simulator. And for the most part, I think Construction Simulator 2 hits more positives than negatives! The game begins pretty…

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Forager Review

My initial thoughts of Forager were mixed, and that was before I ever got my hands on it. It looked interesting, but at the same time, it looked…basic. But when my Nintendo Switch review version came in the mail, and I had to review it, I realized that you really shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, or say, a game by its trailer. So what is Forager? Simply put, it’s a pixelated version of any survival / farming simulation…

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Luigi's Mansion 3 feat

Luigi’s Mansion 3 Review

Luigi’s Mansion 3 is on Nintendo Switch just in time for Halloween!  Does this next installment live up to the legacy of Dark Moon and the recent Luigi’s Mansion 1 remake on 3DS or does it suck more than a charged up Poltergust?  Find out in our review!

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Doraemon Story of Seasons Review

We’ve been playing Doraemon Story of Seasons for two weeks now, and have thoroughly enjoyed our time in Natura, engaging with the various citizens, solving problems, and working on finding a way back to the present. We ran over the setting up of the story in our Story of Seasons Prologue article, so be sure to read that – now we dive into the nitty gritty of this experience, and spoilers…it’s really good!

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A Knight’s Quest Review

Released just over a week ago by developer Sky9 Games, A Knight’s Quest is the latest Zelda-clone to hit the markets. With such a revered franchise to make obvious comparisons to, and plenty of other clones to compete with, it is no easy task to throw one’s self into the arena of a Zelda-clone platformer. Will A Knight’s Tale be able to carve out a style of its own, or will it drown in the sea of similar titles? Let’s take a look and find out!

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Stranded Sails Review

Farming simulation type games are hitting the Nintendo Switch hard and fast, but thankfully each is taking on a different approach than the others. While Story of Seasons take a methodical approach to farming and interacting with the world around you, Stardew Valley takes a very economical approach to the genre. Enter Stranded Sails, which focuses on the efforts of a shipwrecked crew who is trying to survive, and find a way of, a deserted island. And for a game…

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Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair Review

When Playtonic revealed and released the Banjo-Kazooie-esque 3D platform title Yooka-Laylee a few years ago, fans of that game style were understandably uber enthusiastic about the games release. Ultimately, the game delivered the experience that everyone remember back on the Nintendo 64, for food and for bad. With one release in the franchise out of the way, Playtonic has flexed their creative muscles on a brand new, and extremely different type of game in Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. Corporate…

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Killer Queen Black Review

Killer Queen Black is on Nintendo Switch! For those unacquainted with this indie arcade title, allow me to get into the details of what this game is all about, namely the competitive multiplayer madness, combined with the fact that you can take the game on the go with handheld mode, it makes it much more enjoyable! Judging from the looks of everything on screen here, there’s a lot that goes on in a match!  Don’t worry, I’ll explain – so…

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LEGO Jurassic World Review

LEGO Jurassic World combines everything I liked about LEGO video games and largely removes the only thing I really hated: the combat. With the focus on combat gone, Travelers Tales has given more time to environmental destruction, helpful hints for those young LEGO fans, and more puzzles to complete. Oh yes, and dinosaurs. The games and levels mimic the movies they are trying to recreate very closely, but of course, they add their own unique LEGO humor. Ever since the…

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