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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Review-in-progress Part 2

Welcome to part 2 in our three-part review-in-progress for Xenoblade Chronicles 3. In this part, we’ll discuss the game’s graphics and sound! Xenoblade Chronicles 3 has great graphics. The characters, especially, are detailed and the environments are pretty good. Big sprawling areas look better in the daylight than at night. So far the colonies are a bit bland visually though. They all look the same, just with different layouts. That’s not to say that they’re not fun to explore. There…

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Pokémon Presents | 08.03.2022 (Video)

A new Pokémon Presents aired today on youtube. Check it out below and then come back here for our thoughts on it. The new Pokémon Presents today gave updates on the mobile apps and most importantly…Scarlet/Violet! The footage for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet looked amazing. The multiplayer especially impressed. You can team up with friends and go around catching Pokémon and riding your Pokémon-like motorcycles. Its so cool. Scarlet/Violet’s world is huge and there looks to be a lot of towns and…

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Pokémon Presents Announced for August 3rd

A brand new Pokémon Presents has been announced for this Wednesday, August 3rd. A new Pokémon Presents has been announced for August 3rd, 2022. It will air at 8am central. The video will provide updates about apps and video games. Yes, Pokémon Scarlet/Violet will be part of the show! Whats really interesting here is that they say video games, as in more than one. Maybe we’re reading into this a bit, but could that mean a new Pokémon game will…

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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Review-in-progress Part 1

In part 1 of our review-in-progress, we’ll talk about some of what you’ll find in the vast world of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and discuss the combat a bit too. Xenoblade Chronicles 3’s world is vast and that means there is a lot of walking in this game. It also means there’s tons of things to find and do. One of the best things you’ll find in the game are the random battles between monsters or humans. You can choose a…

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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 First Impressions

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the latest entry in the Xenoblade series. It is the third (or fourth if you count Torna) game in the series to come to the Nintendo Switch. We are currently playing the game for review thanks to Nintendo Canada. That review will take a little bit but, in the meantime, we want to provide our readers with our first impressions of the game. How is Xenoblade Chronicles 3 so far? Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is now out…

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Live A Live Review

Square Enix’s latest role-playing game, Live A Live, is seven stories set within seven different eras, with seven different characters. The key word is different because that’s what Live A Live is. It’s a very unique experience. Is that experience good though? Is Live A Live worth checking out? Here is our review for Live A Live for the Nintendo Switch!

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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Overview Trailer

A new overview trailer has been released for Xenoblade Chronicles 3! Please check it out below along with some thoughts on the game. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 will be coming out on July 29th! Thats next week! The game looks so epic and amazing. The brand new overview trailer shows off more of the story, the characters and classes, the areas you visit including colonies, and more. Personally, I’m really excited that Xenoblade Chronicles 3 added classes. I love a good…

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Worth Life, an action/rpg/sim, is out this Thursday for Nintendo Switch

Worth Life is an action/rpg/sim and its coming to the Nintendo Switch this week! The trailer for Worth Life is below along with some more information and thoughts on it. Worth Life is an action/rpg/sim. The game is from some of the people who previously worked on Harvest Moon. It has farming and fishing but it also has combat. Worth Life is a 2D sidescrolling game with a lot of neat features! Best of all is that the game is…

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Live A Live Demo Impressions

Square Enix’s next HD-2D game, Live A Live, will be out later this month. Before then, you can check out a demo of the game on the Nintendo Switch eshop! We checked out the demo and here are our impressions so far. Live A Live is the next HD-2D game from Square Enix. It is the same style of graphics as Octopath Traveler and Triangle Strategy. And just like Octopath and Triangle Strategy, Nintendo will be publishing this game too.…

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Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Review

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is the latest game in the Fire Emblem and “Nintendo” Warriors series. The games have, so far, combined Nintendo and the Warriors gameplay successfully. So how is Three Hopes? Is it a good game? Will Fire Emblem fans like it? Here is our review of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes for the Nintendo Switch! Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is set in the same world as Fire Emblem: Three Houses. The three houses and all…

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