I never owned a TurboGrafx-16. I’ve never played any of the games on the system either. I’m sure there are many people who didn’t play the system and also many who did. Perhaps both of them might interested in the three TurboGrafx-16 games that are coming to the Wii U tomorrow! What are the games? We’ll tell you and show you videos of the three games! Three TurboGrafx-16 titles will be coming to the Wii U Virtual Console tomorrow (July…
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Three TurboGrafx-16 Games Are Coming to the Wii U Virtual Console Tomorrow

Puzzle Fans Shouldn’t Tumble Past This Game: A Look At Tumblestone For Wii U
Late last week, I received a review code for Tumblestone for the Wii U. I’ve been playing it a lot ever since and really enjoying it. The game came out today for the Wii U. My review isn’t ready yet, but I’m hoping to have it up later this week or early next week. In the meantime, I thought I’d give you a preview of Tumblestone and tell you why you shouldn’t pass it by. Its very rare that we…
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Nintendo Canada Drops The Price of the 2DS
North America has already seen a price drop for the 2DS. Now Canada is getting in on the price drop action for the system. We have a press release about that and two upcoming 3DS games for the system. My dad has a 2DS. Its a really nice looking system and he likes it a lot. The 2DS is especially good for younger gamers that can’t handle the 3D yet! Of course, gamers of all ages will enjoy the system,…
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New Ghostbusters Games Are Out Today
For better or worse, the new Ghostbusters movie is a thing. And with a new Ghostbusters movie, there also must come a new Ghostbusters game! Check out the press release (and a trailer) for the new console and mobile Ghostbusters games below. Are you ready for some new Ghostbusters games? Check out this press release to see if either of these two new games appeal to you: ” ACTIVISION PUBLISHING, INC. LAUNCHES NEW GHOSTBUSTERS VIDEO GAMES Local Co-op Action Ghostbusters …
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Mobile: Nintendo’s future?
Nintendo might want to move more of their franchises to mobile if the reports regarding Pokemon GO are any indication. Although I like Nintendo on their own platform, and wish they would remain there, you cannot deny the success of the Pokemon Release. According to some reports, Nintendo and the Pokemon Company have racked up over 14 million dollars in revenue already. That is huge! The argument for Nintendo going to more than just mobile could easily be made here.…
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June Loot Gaming Review – Arena
June's Loot Gaming came a bit later than expected, but none the less, we have unboxed it and are ready to give our review. This months theme was Arena, with various MOBA franchises gracing the inside of the box. From DOTA 2, to Team Fortress, to Overwatch, this box is a must have for any big MOBA player. Unfortunately, I'm in the process of moving from one house to another, so all my video recording equipment is in a box. That means...no video for this month! However, read on for our thoughts on all the great items in this months Loot Gaming.
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More Thoughts From Me #25: Broken Indie Promises
As you all know, I’m a huge fan of Indie developers. I talk about Indies a lot and I review their games a lot too. I’m a Wii U and 3DS owner only and Indies are major third party developers for both systems. But there has been a small trend among Wii U Indie developers that has me worried! What is this trend? Read on to find out! Another Indie developer left Wii U development recently. This hasn’t been happening…
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Nintendo UK’s Hyper Japan Festival Schedule
Next week, the UK will get the Hyper Japan Festival. Nintendo will be there with a lot of stage events and some of these events will even be streamed on Twitch! We have the full list of the Hyper Japan Nintendo events below. Nintendo UK will be at the Hyper Japan Festival next week starting on Friday, July 15th. Here is their full schedule: Some of the above events will be streamed on twitch here. We’re unsure of which events…
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An Update On the Steelseries Ultimate Setup Giveaway
Previously, we told you about the Steelseries Ultimate Setup Giveaway! We now have an update about the contest to share! In case you missed it, check out our previous post about the Steelseries Ultimate Setup Giveaway! The contest is being changed a bit though. Some things are being included to the contest in fact! What’s being included? Well, “a trip to Dreamhack Winter in Sweden.” and “They also are doubling the amount of Ultimate Set-ups they’re giving away – ”…
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The Spatials: Galactology Is Now On Steam Early Access
The Spatials: Galactology is now on Steam Early Access. We have some information and a trailer for the game below. Here is some information about Spatials: Galactology directly from the game’s PR company: ” The Spatials: Galactology is FREE to every Steam user who previously purchased The Spatials or activated a code on or before July 5, 2016. The game is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux. ABOUT THE NEW GAME The galaxy the Spatials once knew has changed. The…
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