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Posts By Adam Roffel


Mythic Mischief Components Overview and Unboxing

We have said it many times before, and we will say it again – IV Studio makes fantastic games, and regardless of whether or not you enjoy the gameplay, there is no denying that the games themselves are beautifully produced, if not over produced in some situations. Let’s take a look at one of their earlier titles, Mythic Mischief! In Mythic Mischief, players will use their three Mythics to move around the board, attempting to avoid the Tomb keeper while…

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Between Two Cities Board Game Review

What's better - Between Two Cities Essential Edition or Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig? We have all the details in this review of Between Two Cities!

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Wiltopia is the Best Playmobil Line – Wiltopia Animal Packs

Wiltopia reviews are back on the website and we couldn't be happier. In this article we look at the fantastic animal packs!

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Annunaki: Dawn of the Gods Components Overview and Impressions

4x Board Games can be a bit much to consume, even if you are a hardcore board game player. Most have hundreds of pieces that you’ll need to play the game, complicated boards, and a rulebook as thick as a Harry Potter novel. Annunaki breaks a few of these molds in its production and gameplay, and provides a fairly streamlined 4x game experience. Let’s take a look at what you get in the box, and whether the components are worth…

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Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Review (Switch)

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door lives up to the hype from decades ago. With fantastic improvement, this is one you don't want to miss!

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Every now and then, I absolutely love playing a game that is so simplistic, I feel like very little thought is required to play. Ultimately, that isn’t the case with Monstrolicious because, well, if you don’t think you don’t win! And I learned that the hard way playing against my 10 year old son Lochlan. This game is so simplistic you might mistake it for a straight kids game, but I’ve enjoyed playing this with a wide variety of people,…

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Why Perspectives is my Favorite Detective Board Game

I have to start this article by issuing an apology to Asmodee Canada – many months ago, Asmodee sent over a box of games to review, and somehow Perspectives landed on a shelf it wasn’t supposed to be on, and we missed reviewing it all together. I also have to apologize to myself, because I could have been playing one of the best detective board games currently available, but instead it was sitting on a shelf hidden among the 100s…

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Botany Board Game Review

Explore the beautiful world of Botany - a board game that combines plants, strategy, and stunning artwork.

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Exploding Minions Available at Dollarama in Canada

For the inexpensive price of $5, Canadians can enter their local Dollarama location today and purchase Exploding Minions, a game based on the very popular Exploding Kittens franchise. Exploding Minions works very much like Exploding Kittens except you are playing with cards from the popular movie franchise, Minions and Despicable Me! For the most part, the game plays exactly the same as Exploding Kittens with the exception of a few cards. One of the coolest ...

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Books of Time Board Game Review

When I wrote the components overview and impressions article for Books of Time, I noted that this was one of the more interesting games I’ve played in the last few years. The creating a book mechanic isn’t something I’ve seen before, and the way the game plays out is really interesting. There are so many things to keep track of, which might suck for some people, but I found the decision space really captivating. Does the game hold up long…

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