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Board Games with Asmodee for the Holiday’s – Patchwork Christmas Edition

My wife and I are always clamoring for 2 player games, and while there are a ton of them out there, few really grasp us past a few play throughs. Thanks to our friends at Asmodee Canada, Patchwork was one of the games that came in an epically large box of board games for us to try out and talk to you about. So without further to do – Patchwork, Christmas Edition.


In Patchwork, players will look to fill their 9×9 grid with patchwork pieces, creating their own quilt on their game board. Ideally, by the end of the game, players will have filled all – or at least most – of the squares on their board. Empty squares means negative points.

A pawn will move around the pieces laid out in a circle around the board, and players will be allowed to purchase specific pieces within a set number away from that pawn. Buttons are collected from the board and used to purchase these pieces. There are also present tiles which are a 1×1 piece at set intervals on the time tracker. These 1×1 pieces cannot be purchased, but are great for filling in holes.

The game doesn’t run in turns, but instead, the player who is further behind on the time tracker continues until they are no longer the furthest player back. While you might have an opportunity to purchase more tiles than other players, you might not be able to get those good 1×1 tiles, and ultimately, fill in those missing holes.

Patchwork is a fantastic 2 player experience as it takes almost no time to learn, can be finished within 30 minutes, and is just great, strategic fun. There is a decent amount of thought and strategy required to be really good at Patchwork, but anyone can easily play. Inexpensive, small, and easy to store, Patchwork is an easy recommendation for those looking for more 2 player games in their life.

And bonus, the Christmas Edition comes with a cookie cutter!



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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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