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More Thoughts From Me #230: Just Keep Swimming and Diving and Avoid that Glitch

I’m a huge fan of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. You all know that. I gave the game a 10 out of 10 in my review. I keep writing articles about it with lots of praise. I’m a huge fan. So yeah, its tough for me to say anything negative about the game or the series (though I have. The eggs! THE EGGS). But today, I do have at least one negative thing to say. And some positive stuff too! Let’s get to it!


I love swimming and diving in Animal Crossing New Horizons. Let me get that out of the way. I think its a great addition to the game. I loved it on New Leaf and I love it even more New Horizons.

Since the last time  I wrote about the swimming and diving, I’ve had a chance to play around with it even more.

I love diving for creatures, finding scallops and having Pascal (sometimes) show up, and just swimming around the ocean is fun. Especially if you swim and dive with your friends.

I have a regular group of friends that I play with almost every day. They are really cool people. I recommend getting yourself a regular group of friends that you play with. It’ll keep you playing New Horizons…well at least until the next game comes out!

Anyway, we’ve been having a lot of fun with the swimming and diving. We figured out that if you run and press A at the right moment on a dock or a rock or cliff, you can do a back flip into the ocean. Its so much fun.

As for diving, its pretty fun online. We make competitions sometimes and see who can catch a certain undersea creature first.

So it seems like theres nothing to complain about…


We have had an issue with diving thats come up a few time now. What is this issue?


Occasionally we’ve had lag online and if you happen to be diving when you have lag…you could get trapped UNDERWATER. You heard me. You can actually drown underwater. You get stuck there. So what do you do? Well, if you’re lucky, you’ll come back up after a moment. If not, well hopefully your friends find you and the person who runs the town is not stuck underwater. At that point, its time to party over and send everyone home…

This is a pretty serious glitch. It looks like online lag causes it because I’ve never had this happen offline, but it could be some kind of other glitch. Who knows! All I can say is that its kind of funny but mostly scary. It actually has caused us to wonder if we should be swimming/diving online but we keep doing it anyway. Its fun!

We just have to keep an eye out for each other. You never know when ONE OF US WILL DROWN UNDERWATER.

Please Nintendo, find some way to fix this glitch…

Otherwise, I am really loving the swimming/diving update.

P.S. I finally saw Pirate Gulliver yesterday. He is so awesome. I got a pirate hat in the mail from him today! I love it. I will wear it forever.


Have you ever had this drowning glitch happen to you while playing Animal Crossing New Horizons online? Please let us know in the comments!

Next week: Its finally on! Like Donkey Kong! The orignal Donkey Kong Country will be on the Switch online service soon, so let’s talk about the game. What is it like revisiting it? And let me tell you about that one time that I entered a contest with DKC!

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Arrr!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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