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Best Dota 2 Heroes for Beginners

When getting started with Dota 2, you’re already aware that you don’t have experience and you’re unable to use the most complex heroes. Those heroes are meant for pros who have to show what they can do. As for you, there are heroes that will let you gain experience and learn how to form strategies.


But what are the heroes that beginners can use to have a good and enjoyable game? Here are our top picks:

  • Sniper

Before you become a pro and you’re listed on a site like, you need to know how to master Sniper. This hero is great for beginners, and although he doesn’t have as many skills as a more advanced hero, he is able to deal with a lot of damage from the distance.

Additionally, he’s capable of increasing the chances of hitting the enemy, which is great when you’re just starting out. If you also buy Butterfly or Yasha for attack speed and agility, as well as Dragon lamps to help you with the range, you’ll give the enemy team a hard time. Sniper is great to consider when you’re a newbie.

  • Ogre Magi

This hero is so great thanks to the help he provides as a ganker or in-lane support, as well as the possibility of enhanced burst damage. Why your enemy team will fear you so much is because if you use this hero, you’ll be quite unpredictable, as well as strong. Besides, Ogre Magi has a big health pool too, which is a great advantage when you’re just starting out.

Whether you want to learn how to play much better or know who to place your bets on when engaging in Dota 2 betting, you can be sure Ogre Magi is a great hero.

  • Lich

Lich is a popular hero, and rightfully so. He’s pretty much capable of eating an allied creep and gain experience and mana, which are helpful in casting spells. Furthermore, the experience lets him earn more experience as well, much faster than any other hero.

His spells consist mostly of ice attacks, and the Frost Blast spell is one of the best in the game. Choose Lich, and your enemies will fear you.

Final Thoughts

If you want to bet in Dota 2, it’s important to know about some of the best heroes, so you have better chances of winning your bets. Lich, Sniper and Ogre Magi are some of the best heroes for beginners, so if you’re just starting out and don’t really know much about heroes, consider one of them and you won’t regret it.


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