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Cat Quest 3 Demo Impressions

Yesterday during the Indie World Showcase, Cat Quest 3 was given a launch date. And a free demo was released on the Nintendo Switch eshop. We’ve checked out the demo and some impressions of it!


I played the Cat Quest 3 demo yesterday and here are my impressions of what I played…

My jaw is on the floor. Cat Quest 3’s demo is fantastic. I love the opening animated cutscene and then the actual graphics are just as beautiful as that cutscene. The characters are very well designed and I love how it looks like you’re running around on a 3D map with the place names on the ground. The sailing in this game is fun too.

The controls are very easy whether you are sailing or walking around. There is an easy mode and a normal mode. Neither mode seems too hard. Its neat how you can go into different buildings and also explore caves. There are plenty of treasure chests too! Its great how hats will actually appear on your cat’s head.

The demo isn’t too long but if you take your time, you can sail to a couple of different islands and explore a bit. After I finished the demo, I did go back and see if I missed anything and I had missed some cool treasure chests! I found a new gun in one of them. Pretty neat.


Cat Quest 3 looks like its going to be a great game when it comes to the Nintendo Switch. Stay tuned to for more on this game. Cat Quest 3 launches for the Switch eshop on August 8th, 2024. International Cat Day! Meow!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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