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What is the Difference Between ArcheAge and ArcheAge: Unchained?

To begin with, I want to emphasize that it is perfectly fine to have confusion about ArcheAge Unchained and ArcheAge. Despite reading this article, some of you may still have a lot of questions about ArcheAge Unchained and ArcheAge.

I will explain everything in simple terms as best as I can so that you can understand the clear difference between both of these games. It’s important to know a little about what ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained are about, and I will explain more about it later on in the article.

ArcheAge Vs ArcheAge: Unchained Difference

ArcheAge is a fantasy MMORPG that does not have predefined paths or progression. The journey begins on the continents of Haranya and Nuia and leads all the way to Auroria.

With 220 unique class combinations, players have access to powerful powers, over 20 crafting skills, and the ability to grow crops, earn gold, forge alliances, and destroy their enemies.

Just like all the other games, it also allow you to progress quickly by using gold and you can buy gold from MMOPIXEL. It offers cheap and fast delivery of ArcheAge Gold. With MMOPIXEL, you will experience excellent customer service when you buy ArcheAge Unchained gold. You can always contact us via live chat 24 hours a day. With Gold and Archeum, players can receive valuable packages such as costumes, emotes, and other cosmetic items.

First, let me clarify that ArcheAge Unchained isn’t a standalone game. The Asian version of ArcheAge refers to the version published by Games4Change. By changing this region’s name, gamers know exactly what they will get when purchasing the game since Unchained means no subscription fee.

You may find ArcheAge a bit confusing if you’ve never heard of it before. I’ll go into more detail later. How do the Asian and Western versions of ArcheAge differ? Quite simply: Everything! They have changed a lot since they were introduced to ArcheAge, but not everything.

A lot of things have changed in the game, ranging from the combat system to early safety, from the user interface to character levels, to the social system to open-world PvP.

When I first logged into Game4Change’s ArcheAge version, I had the mindset of forgetting everything I knew about ArcheAge. The following points will help you distinguish between Asian and Western versions of ArcheAge.

Difference in Gameplay

ArcheAge has a unique gameplay style that’s unlike any other game. Those who enjoy sandbox games will love ArcheAge. It doesn’t matter how you play this game; there are no limitations to what you can do.

You will have to forget whatever you know about your previous MMORPG experiences since ArcheAge is not your typical MMORPG. The open-world PvP aspect of the game is one of its unique features.

You can kill other players at any time in an open world – I will go into more detail about this later. There are no restrictions on how you can use your ship in ArcheAge, which is the only sandbox MMORPG with naval combat.

The game does not have classes; instead, you create your class by mixing and matching abilities from four skill trees per trade. ArcheAge is unique in a lot of ways. I could talk for hours about each one of them, but I’ll let you discover them on your own.

There is no subscription fee for ArcheAge, and you must buy it directly from Trion Worlds. XLGames stipulated that this version of ArcheAge must not have a subscription fee when Trion Worlds announced they would publish it. ArcheAge Unchained is now available!

Other Differences

The game ArcheAge is the one that Trion Worlds provides for the Western market. It will thereafter be referred to as ArcheAge. MMORPGs like this offer creativity and freedom.

In its infancy, the game still needs some kinks worked out before it is ready for prime time. The future of ArcheAge looks positive since Trion Worlds is doing a great job supporting it.

An alternate version of ArcheAge, ArcheAge Unchained, was launched on October 10th after a closed beta earlier in the year. The English translation of the Asia version of ArcheAge is free-to-play.

There is no transfer of progress between ArcheAge Unchained and ArcheAge; the two are separate games. Players of both games can trade/sell items in the auction house and the global marketplace.

In either game, you can buy gear from someone else if you don’t want to spend the time getting it. It can take players a long time to accumulate enough gold to buy guns, armor, and other items, although they are awarded gold whenever they complete a quest.

Unfortunately, some of them may not have the time to play all day to accomplish that. You can accomplish that with Unchained. In the marketplace, there is a list of reputable sellers where you can get ArcheAge Gold. We recommend it because it is cheap and much easier than grinding for a long period.

Edit: As pointed out by our readers subscription details are actually other way around then what we indicated in the text.  So to clarify: ArcheAge Unchained require subscription to play, when ArcheAge is free to play. Apologies from our side and thanks for pointing out mistake.


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