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Transported to the Wonderful World of Mulaka

When I first saw Mulaka for the Nintendo Switch, I was impressed by its graphics right away. This game, of course, is not the first game for Nintendo Switch to be 3D and Polygonal. Morphite was the first game that I played on the Switch with such graphics. However Mulaka is doing something different from Morphite or any other game I’ve seen with this type of art style. Mulaka is colorful and infused with a very unique and stunning premise. I received a review copy of this game last week. My review isn’t ready yet but I wanted to share with all of you my thoughts on the wonderful world of Mulaka so far.


The stunning 3D polygonal art style of Mulaka is the first thing you’ll notice about the game. Mulaka doesn’t look real nor does it look totally unreal. The art style presented is like playing a stunning indie CGI movie. If Mulaka was an animated movie, it would be winning awards.

Its not just how Mulaka is animated. Mulaka’s story is something we don’t see too often. Actually I’m not sure we’ve ever seen this subject handled by a video game before. If it has been, I haven’t played that video game.

Mulaka is set in Northern Mexico and features natives of that country. This is a very spirital game, literally there are ghosts in this game. The player plays as a Shaman who is out to stop a great evil. Along the way, you’ll see all kinds of enemies, obstacles, and puzzles. Mulaka is an action game with a good dose of puzzle and some platforming.

I’m very impressed by not just Mulaka’s graphics, but its gameplay too. The main character of the game has some cool powers and it sounds like he’ll get even more as the game progresses. I can’t wait to find out where Mulaka goes next!

Mulaka will be coming out for the Nintendo Switch on March 1st. Please keep an eye on for my review!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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