Set on Tsushima Island in the year 1274, the game revolves around one of the island's last samurai, Jin Sakai, during the first Mongol invasion of Japan. The armies of the Mongol Empire, utilizing weapons and military tactics unknown to the Japanese, have conquered and devastated many countries and Tsushima is all that stands between them and the mainland of Japan. The island was devastated by the first wave of the Mongol invasion; its samurai forces were easily defeated, allowing the invaders to conquer large swaths of territory where they terrorize the ...
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Ghost Of Tsushima State Of Play
15th May, 2020 by Kevin Austin
Sony aired a new State of Play presentation yesterday all about the highly anticipated: Ghost of Tsushima. Set on Tsushima Island in 1274, the game revolves around one of the last samurai, Jin Sakai, during the first Mongol invasion of Japan. The Mongol empire has conquered and devastated many countries and Tsushima is the final obstacle between the mainland of Japan and a huge Mongol invasion fleet. The island was devastated by the first wave of the Mongol invasion; the…
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