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Morphite Review

Metroid Prime 4 is in development for the Nintendo Switch right now. It’ll probably be awhile before that game is out. Meanwhile, where should a gamer go to get some first person exploration fun? The solution to this question is Morphite for Nintendo Switch. The story in Morphite is really good. The main character is just trying to survive and get by and then she is roped into a quest to solve some mysteries of the universe. If I said…

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Across the Morphite Universe

You land on a planet in a pod, take out your scanner and innocently analyze plants, wild life, and other stuff. Then some random creature sees you and decides to attack. Do you take out your pistol and waste ammo on this random creature or do you try to run away? You could also just scan the creature and let it maul you to death while you do so. Its your choice. Welcome to the Morphite universe. You’ll explore it,…

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