Sony aired a new State of Play presentation yesterday all about the highly anticipated: Ghost of Tsushima. Set on Tsushima Island in 1274, the game revolves around one of the last samurai, Jin Sakai, during the first Mongol invasion of Japan. The Mongol empire has conquered and devastated many countries and Tsushima is the final obstacle between the mainland of Japan and a huge Mongol invasion fleet. The island was devastated by the first wave of the Mongol invasion; the…
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Both Naughty Dog’s and Sucker Punch Productions’ PS4 titles will launch this summer
From Herman Hulst – Head of Worldwide Studios Sony Interactive Entertainment As our teams at Sony Interactive Entertainment and Worldwide Studios approach development milestones and confront a world changed by COVID-19, we find ourselves having to adapt to today’s ever-changing environment. Amidst some disruptions to our working styles, we wanted to provide an update to PlayStation gamers who are eager to learn when our next exclusive titles will arrive to PlayStation 4. As we begin to see an ease…
Read MoreGhost of Tsushima Out June 26: Collector’s & Digital Deluxe Editions Detailed
Ghost of Tsushima is coming to PS4 on June 26! It is so exciting to finally be able to announce our release date, and even better that it’s just a few months away. We can’t wait to share the world we’ve created! Today they revealed a brand-new trailer that showcases our hero, Jin Sakai. In the past, we’ve shown the world around Jin, but this time we wanted to give you a taste of the people he meets along his…
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