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Nintendo Switch Categories

New Mario Tennis Aces Trailer Details New Gameplay Mechanic

Nintendo dropped another Mario Tennis Aces trailer ahead of the games launch later this month, and not only was it a good trailer, but it introduced a new gameplay mechanic as well. You can see the full trailer below, and past that, we touch on the new mechanic: Challenging the referee!

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Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition Is What Nintendo Should Do More Of

I've just finally finished getting through Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition on the Nintendo Switch, and although it has been the third time I've played it - first on the Nintendo WiiU and later on the Nintendo 3DS - I once again had a really great time. With each subsequent release of the game, more DLC from previous iterations have been added, giving this last release the appropriate title of "definitive edition." This third time through, however, I quickly realized I wasn't necessarily thinking about he game itself, but rather how Nintendo should be doing ...

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Legend of Kay Anniversary Edition – Nintendo Switch

A few years ago, we reviewed the port of The Legend of Kay on the Nintendo Wii U, and while I enjoyed the gameplay, some poor voice acting and a shoddy camera made the experience feel exactly like the 90s platformer it was based on. When it was announced the game was coming to Nintendo Switch, I hoped a few extra improvements would be made? Did it happen? Let's take a look!

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More Thoughts From Me #123: What Will Third Parties Do At E3?

I gave you my predications of what Xbox, Sony, and Nintendo would do at E3. We’ll see soon if I was right about anything. But I do have some more predications for you! In today’s More Thoughts, I’ll try to guess what third party publishers will do at E3. Will I get any of these right? What will third party publishers do at E3 2018? Here are my predications: Square Enix: Kingdom Hearts 3 will be shown again by Square…

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Have You Got the FIFA World Cup Update for FIFA 18? Our Update Impressions

The 2018 FIFA World Cup is just around the corner in Russia, but gamers can get in on the World Cup action early by getting the free update for FIFA 18. Already available on Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch, the FIFA 18 updates brings new menu visuals to the game, as well as complete tournament layouts for you to enjoy. Who will you take all the way to the championship!

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Happy Birthdays Review

I love simulation games. Animal Crossing is my all-time favorite game. I’m also a huge fan of Sim City and I even like The Sims. Well, kind of. But the simulation genre really appeals to me. So I had a feeling that I would like Happy Birthdays. But how much do I like it? And does this game appeal to non-simulation genre fans? I was surprised to find that Happy Birthdays has an actual storyline. I didn’t think there would…

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One Key Way to Succeed at Hyrule Warriors

When playing through Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition on Nintendo Switch, there is one thing all players can do that could ultimately be the difference between winning or defeat. How you deal with the swarming enemies is probably more important than you think, but focusing on them over objectives is a HUGE mistake!

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Smoke and Sacrifice Review

I’ve played a few survival rpgs and they are pretty fun. Yes, you will die a lot in survival rpgs, but you also get to do things in them that you don’t find yourself doing in other types of rpgs. For instance, crafting new and surprising items to fight off or capture something. Smoke and Sacrifice for the Nintendo Switch is a survival rpg that puts you into some interesting situations. The game also has a story too. So is…

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Lost Sea – Nintendo Switch

Over the past week, I've been putting significant time into Lost Sea, a game originally released a while ago (we played on PS4) but just coming to Switch on May 31st. Lost Sea is a puzzle, exploration, RPG experience that sees you playing as a surviving castaway moving from island to island, attempting to escape the Bermuda Triangle. With colourful graphics and lots to do, Lost Sea will keep you busy for hours upon hours, even when the moments become a bit repetitive.

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Is this Castlevania? No, its Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon!

You will hear a lot of people comparing Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon to the Castlevania franchise. And they are totally right to make that comparison. Bloodstained looks a lot like the Castlevania games we saw on the NES and SNES. But is it just a copycat or is Curse of the Moon something special? Forget Castlevania. We don’t need it anymore. Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon for Nintendo Switch is a game that is so much like old school…

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