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Detective Gallo review

Detective Gallo

Release: August 17, 2018
Publisher: Adventure Productions
Developer: Footprints Games
Genre: Adventure, Nintendo Switch Categories, Switch Reviews


Great About Rating
8.5 - Gameplay
9.0 - Video
8.5 - Audio

I finally have my review of Detective Gallo for Nintendo Switch. I should fax this review to Gallo. I don’t want a repeat of what happened last time. What do I think of the gumshoe’s latest adventure? Check out my review of Detective Gallo to find out!

If you’re looking for a serious noir Adventure game, look elsewhere. Detective Gallo is a noir Adventure game, but it never takes itself too seriously. The dialogue in this game is really good. The game is often funny and always interesting. The game’s mystery, while not the best you’ll ever see, is good. You’ll never guess whodunit. And while the game doesn’t always make sense, its always fun.

I enjoyed the story and thats one of the things you really have to enjoy to get into an Adventure game. As for Gallo’s gameplay, its pretty good.


From start to finish, Detective Gallo is pure Adventure game fun. Gallo is armed with the items he finds and his wits. When his wits fail him, he can call his sometimes helpful informant via cellphone. This character acts as sort of a help line when you’re stuck. Until he doesn’t.

Detective Gallo isn’t a game for newbies of this genre. The game will sometimes point you toward what you must do and other times you have to figure it out on your own. Detective Gallo can be a little frustrating at times.

None of this frustration comes from the game’s controls though. Detective Gallo works fine with analog controls and it makes great use of the Switch’s touch screen controls in handheld mode. I think the best way to play Detective Gallo is in handheld mode, but don’t be afraid of using the game’s regular controls if you play it on the big screen.

Detective Gallo doesn’t reinvent the Adventure genre and it doesn’t do anything unique either. But the game really doesn’t have to. Detective Gallo has humor, creative puzzles, and an interesting story. And it has beautiful graphics too.


Detective Gallo looks like a really well animated cartoon from the 80s or 90s. Its more like an animated feature film, then a TV show. The character animations, especially the faces, are very impressive. The game looks great in handheld mode and on the TV.

Meanwhile, the music in this game is not bad. Some of it is pretty good actually, while other tracks can annoy after a bit. What really stands out, sound wise, in this game is the voice acting. Everyone from Gallo to even minor characters have great voice actors. The sound effects in this game are good too.

Detective Gallo is another excellent Adventure game for the Nintendo Switch. Fans of the genre, plus fans of noir and gumshoes should check this one out.


If you love Adventure games, then download Detective Gallo now. This is the sort of game that fans of the genre will love. I don’t think it’ll convert any new fans, but I could be wrong about that. The game’s story and animation are top notch. Its gameplay is very well done too. Detective Gallo is on the case and hopefully he won’t shoot anyone.

Thanks to MixedBag Games for providing a digital code for this review. Detective Gallo is now available on the Nintendo Switch eshop.



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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