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More Thoughts From Me #200: I’ve Written How Many Columns?!

Welcome to More Thoughts From Me #200! Yes, I’ve written two hundred columns for Games Reviews. Actually more if you count the special editions! So for today’s column I asked people to send me questions and…only one person sent me a question. I will answer that question and then answer some questions you guys and gals didn’t ask. Here we goooo!


Special thanks to Shaun Edwards! You should follow him on twitter.

Shaun Edwards (@twinworld) asks, “Were there any games in 2019 that you covered, which you had low expectations with, that really impressed you after finally playing it.”

Answer: I saw footage of the Medievil remake and wasn’t that impressed. I played the demo and thought it was just ok. Then Adam asked if I wanted to review the game and I said yes. I was still curious about the game. I had low expectations and..

It turned out to be a great game! I gave it a 9.0 out of 10. Loved it. Its a game that I’ll definitely be going back to when Halloween rolls around again. Absolutely perfect for that time of year!

And now the phase of this column where I ask myself questions. These will be very quick questions and answers:

Do I hate Pokemon?

Answer: No.

Do I like Pokemon?

Answer: No.

Why do I never talk about the Xbox One?

Answer: Because the Xbox One is like Voldermort in our house. We never say its name. Shhhh.

Real Answer: Cause I don’t own the system!

Why not?

Answer: Because I wanted a Playstation 4 and I can’t buy every system. Though I wish I could.

What did I think of Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order?

Answer: I’ll tell you after Christmas!

Should Bowser be the president of Nintendo?

Answer: Yes.

Do I miss Reggie?

Answer: Yes. He never calls me anymore.

Favorite Nintendo Switch game?

Answer: Dragon Quest 11 S!

Who is my favorite Animal Crossing character?

Answer: You can’t make me choose!

Am I ready for Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Answer: YES.

Do these questions ever end?

Answer: Yes. Right now.

Thats all the time we have for fake questions! Thank you for reading.

And thanks again for the question Shaun! You rock!

Next week: What games am I looking forward to in 2020? My top 10 list. Next week’s column will likely be on Monday, since Tuesday is Christmas Eve.

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. My top 10 games of 2019 will be after Christmas. For a reason, possibly.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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