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GamrRank Closing This Week

GamrRank Closure

GamrRank – a social network for gamers that ranked you based upon how much you talked about games across every other social network – will be closing over the next few days. An email announcing the closure was sent out this morning.

We started GamrRank because we felt there was a desire from the gaming community to have a console, developer and publisher-independent service that combined what you play with what you talk about. We wanted a service that defined your gaming reputation. A service where you could create your own achievements and challenges for others, whether it was on social, mobile or console.

At the end of the day, GamrRank succeeded in some of this. We’re happy to see some of the things we were trying in GamrRank (achievements across games, sharing to social etc.) are now going to be a major part of the next console generation. We wanted a convergence of games across the worlds of console, mobile and social. Well, it’s all happening now and we couldn’t be more excited.

Unfortunately, all this spells the end for GamrRank in its present form. We believe that some day, GamrRank or something like GamrRank will rise. Today is not the day.

GamrRank was a good idea, taking the very successful Raptr-style model and adding onto it with an extra social component. Unfortunately, it ended up feeling like a check-it-once sort of service, where you see how you’re doing and then never look again. While Raptr can have a constant presence on your desktop, GamrRank relied more on you logging in via the net, or being nagged by email. GamrRank never left beta.

No doubt this will be disappointing for those that loved the service, although there are other services that will work to fill many of the gaps it will leave. GamrRank will stop access over the next three days, so if you want to take a look at your final score, now is your chance.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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