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More Thoughts From Me #133: That Earthlock demo!

I played Earthlock on the Wii U. I didn’t like it. When the title came to the Nintendo Switch, I was very skeptical. Then a demo came to the eshop. I was curious and so I downloaded it. Is Earthlock better on the Nintendo Switch or does its Wii U problems still plague it?


On the Wii U, Earthlock had very long load times. You had a long load time whenever you went into another area. This made the game unplayable on the Wii U in my opinion. I never got very far into the game.

Flashforward to Earthlock on the Nintendo Switch. I downloaded the demo for it. I wasn’t expecting much…

As it turns out, Earthlock is a totally different game on the Nintendo Switch. First of all, while there are still alot of load times, they are so much faster on the Switch. You will barely notice them. This game is fast. Actually there appears to be no load times when it comes to battles (there were some on the Wii U but short ones). You just go straight into them. New areas do have to load up but like I said, the load times are really fast.

Earthlock also looks a lot better on the Switch. And, especially in handheld mode, its a lot easier to read dialogue and menus than it was on the Wii U.

I had lot of fun with the Earthlock demo. I was able to actually enjoy the game this time around! The world I found in the demo was really well designed and interesting. I think the battle system is a lot of fun. I also like the skill trees for leveling up.

And at the end of the demo, I got to see some neat farming and crafting mechanics! I liked everything about this demo.

The Earthlock demo is so good on the Switch. I will buy this version of the game sooner or later.

I highly recommend checking out the Earthlock demo for the Switch if you are an rpg fan. The demo and full game are available now. Best of all? Progress from the demo carries over to the full game!!

Have you played Earthlock on the Switch? What do you think of it?

Next week: Letter Quest Remastered for the Nintendo Switch. I got this game on sale last week (and its still on sale as of this writing). Is this good game? Should you download it?

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Wish I could play more of Earthlock right now!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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