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Batman: Arkham Origins Trailer Released

After the teaser trailer released last week, I’m happy to report that this actual trailer is a little meatier on content. It still contains a little much in terms of splash screens (what trailer doesn’t?), but there’s also some actual content this time around as well. The “official trailer” gives us our first look at Gotham, although it’s a very cinematic look, not made with the game engine.

Like the Doctor Strange VGA trailer, released in 2010, this will at least get the Batman juices flowing ahead of more gameplay-led trailers late in the year.

Warner Brothers have also announced that those that pre-order the game will get access to the Deathstroke Challenges extra early. The pack contains a playable Deathstroke – complete with unique moves and weaponry – and two bonus challenges. Deathstroke is playable in every other challenge in the game as well. No word on when the pack will be available for everybody else, but if the last game is anything to go by, it might be worth pre-ordering if you’re really interested.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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