I’m definitely a fan of competitive games for our board game nights, but there are some in our group who prefer cooperative experiences over competitive ones. I’m OK with that as well, but the cooperative experience needs to be deep mechanically for me to really enjoy what we are doing. It’s why I don’t prefer games like Unlocked! As much, and games like, well, Tesseract so much more. This dice drafting, manipulation game is phenomenal, and a cooperative game I…
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More Vader in Shatterpoint a Good Thing – Fear and Dead Men Squad Pack Review
A while ago, Shatterpoint fans were treated to an (overly) expensive diorama pack that included a Darth Vader figure. People went nuts for that pack, and that Darth Vader character was really great to have on the table. With the recent releases for Star Wars Shatterpoint, there is now a more affordable Vader with his own Storm Troopers. Let’s take a look at this release and whether it’s right for you! Again, first and foremost, let’s talk about the sculpts.…
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Table Golf Association – Welcome to Meeple Beach Kickstarter Preview
GamesReview is always excited when we are considered for Kickstarter preview coverage, but we still only choose to preview games we think we will enjoy. The trouble with doing preview work is you walk that fine line between being a marketing tool and actually providing solid coverage on a game. Thankfully, I’ve been having a blast with Welcome to Meeple Beach from the Table Golf Association, so everything you are about to read is my legitimate thoughts! Outside of sending…
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Lunar Card Game Review – Allplay Series
Lunar is a pretty unique trick taking game and one that I had to play a few times before I really knew if I wanted to keep it around and play it long term. There is a lot of depth here, and while it is simplistic in how it works, the decision space in this game is huge, and veteran board game and card game players might have a logical leg up on the competition simply because they live and…
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More Mythwind Available now via Kickstarter
A brand new Mythwind campaign is launching today and you can get brand new content plus all the old stuff too!
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24 Hours Left to Back Ostia Pirates on Kickstarter
There is only one day left to back Ostia on Kickstarter, and don't forget about pledging any amount for access to other titles!
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Garden Geckos Board Game Review – Coming to Kickstarter Soon!
Garden Geckos is the latest upcoming launch from Tin Robot Games. Can you score the most bugs in this cute title?
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Yub Nub Squad Pack and Ee Chee Wa Maa! Squad Pack Review – Star Wars Shatterpoint
Over the past two months, our Star Wars: Shatterpoint table has been fairly quiet, but an influx of new boxes to review has got us back up and running. In this article, we are going to take a look at my most anticipated characters to be added into the game, the Ewoks! Let’s dive and see how the Yub Nub Squad Pack and the Ee Chee Wa Maa Squad Pack could help your squads going forward! First things first, however.…
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Last Week to Back Ostia Pirates + Add Ons!
With only one week to go, your chances to back Ostia Pirates is slowly fading away. Listen folks, take it from me, if you want to pick up a game from UCHIBACOYA you do not want to wait. These games generally will not hit retaliers in the West, and I've already disappointed myself by missing out on their games multiple times. Yes, the price might be a bit concerning, but these are games that hold their value and will be something you are happy to have in your board game collection!
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Bacon Card Game Review – Allplay Series
To say that Allplay games are lots of fun in one small box would be an understatement. We have played through a few games that Allplay sent over for review, and every one of them has been a hit with someone in one way or another. Bacon happens to be one of those games, and although it’s a bit on the lighter side, it still packs a ton of fun into and easily explained, quick to play experience! In Bacon,…
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