Dry Drowning is an investigative thriller-oriented visual novel set in the futuristic dystopian universe of Nova Polemos. A shady socio-political situation dragging everything down to the abyss, a serial killer drawing strength from this darkness, a tormented detective, and his assistant craving for redemption. Dry Drowning challenges the player to find the truth, going through ambiguous characters, riddles, clues, and unexpected events while telling an extremely compelling and mature story. Game Features Choices really matter: Players choices can lead to…
Read MoreSwitch Reviews
My Universe: Pet Clinic Cats & Dogs Review
Welcome and care for sick animals in your clinic Discover the veterinary profession and help cats and dogs that need you. An injury, fever, an animal that refuses to eat: it’s up to you to act! Pay close attention during the medical examination, decide what care your four-legged patients need, and take care of their personal well-being through dozens of activities. Become the head veterinarian Fulfill your dreams and learn to run your own clinic in an adventure full of…
Read MoreSuper Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury Review
Super Mario 3D World was a great game on the Wii U and it still is on the Nintendo Switch. The following review focuses primarily on Bowser’s Fury. What is this new game? Is it worth picking up Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury to check it out? Let’s take a look! Super Mario 3D World is pretty much the same as it was on the Wii U. There are some minor differences, like the addition of friend-based online…
Read MoreOneiros Impressions (XBox Series)
In Greek mythology, dreams were personified as Oneiros, something I didn’t know going into this game but now that I’ve completed it makes perfect sense. In Oneiros you play as Liam. Liam wakes up late just like any other day, but something just feels different. Doors to his room are locked, the laptop’s hacked, the phone’s broken, and something just doesn’t feel right. The place definitely looks like his room, but at the same time, it just doesn’t feel like…
Read MoreSummer in Mara Review
Summer in Mara is a single-player summer adventure. Take care of your own island, farming the land, and crafting new tools to survive. You can also sail away with your boat to new islands, meet unique characters and find hidden treasures. But the ocean wants you to fulfill your destiny and when it calls you, you’ll have to answer. Summer in Mara is a game about small details that will surprise you every time. Summer in Mara is an adventure…
Read MoreScott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game Review
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game has been a mythical beat ’em up for awhile. It couldn’t be bought on modern consoles. Those who had it on old systems either guarded those systems with their life or they no longer had this game. And now Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game is on the Nintendo Switch (and other systems). Is this mythical game as good as people say or has nostalgia lead us astray? I’ll be honest with…
Read MorePuyo Puyo Tetris 2 Review
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 – a game title that deserves a Kingdom Hearts style “2.5D Ultima Super Dream Final Edition” if I’ve ever heard one. People know what Tetris is, and a good chunk of those will know what Puyo Puyo is if you explain it in Mean Bean Machine terms. It says what it is, for better or for worse. But hidden behind that slightly mystifying name is a potent mix of puzzling fun that never gets old –…
Read MoreImmortals Fenyx Rising Review (Switch)
Immortals Fenyx Rising (aka Gods and Monsters) was originally announced at E3 2019 and instantly drew comparisons to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, rightfully so. The game is now officially launching on Dec 3, 2020, for basically every current console and PC. I had the opportunity to review the Switch version of the game, which I was interested in seeing how well another company can pull off a BOTW type game on a Nintendo console. But before we get into that let's talk about what the game is all about.
Read MoreHyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Review
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is one of the best games on the Nintendo Switch. Some may even say it is THE best game. How do you follow up on that? Well, you just create a prequel to Breath of the Wild that’s totally different from the previous game, while keeping the world and some other cool things. Enter Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Let’s find out if this is a worthy sister-title to Breath of the Wild!…
Read MoreJust Dance 2021 Review
There are certain things we can rely on in life to have an annual release, Things like the Shamrock shake at McDonald’s, or they claymation Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer special during the holidays. Just Dance has been in that same category since it’s inception over a decade ago. With its infectious song lists bright colors and fancy unique choreography Just Dance has always been a fun time for all. While this year is the first time the game isn’t released…
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